New Section on ContactPoint: Report & Trends
June 1, 2012Exploring “hope” in career decisions of college students
June 2, 2012A new report that has just been completed will assist employment counsellors, job developers and job-seekers in gaining a better understanding of opportunities for entry-level employment in Canada’s budding green economy, specifically the renewable energy and energy conservation sectors.
The report, Emerging Green Jobs in Canada, is from the Green Skills Network, a department of First Work: The Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres, and funded by CERIC. It will serve to close labour market gaps by connecting entry‐level workers to green employment opportunities.
Included in the report will be resources to assist employment counsellors, including job task analyses for common entry-level green jobs, an inventory of green jobs training programs and employers, and a map of renewable energy and energy conservation projects in Canada.
Read more about this Green Skills Network research project and watch for the report coming soon!