Upcoming Events
October 12, 2012One stride closer: Psychological considerations of the immigrant career transition
October 19, 2012A total of eight bursaries have been awarded to community-based counsellors to attend Cannexus13, thanks to the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada.
Recipients of this year’s Elizabeth McTavish Bursary come from across the country, including Newfoundland, Quebec and British Columbia. Bursary winners represent organizations that work with First Nations, small business, immigrants, women, high school students and disabled Canadians.
CERIC received a total of 26 applications this year and wishes to acknowledge all the organizations that applied. Bursaries are awarded based on regional equity.
The bursary provides a full registration for Cannexus plus $150 for expenses.
Since 2006, on an annual basis, the McTavish Bursary has assisted community-based counsellors throughout Canada to participate in the Cannexus National Career Development Conference. Elizabeth McTavish began working with The Counselling Foundation of Canada in the late 1960s and served as Director of Counselling and as Executive Director of the Foundation for 25 years. She believed that community-based organizations, because of their close proximity to individuals in their communities, could play a significant role in providing career counselling and employment preparation services on the front lines.
Cannexus13 takes place January 28-30, 2013 in Ottawa. Applications for the Elizabeth McTavish Bursary for Cannexus14 will be accepted starting in June.