CERIC Graduate Student Award sends 3 recipients to Cannexus
November 8, 2012Unstick that Stuck Client
December 1, 2012CERIC VP & General Manager Riz Ibrahim was interviewed for an article appearing this week in newspapers across Canada that calls career counselling a “choice profession”.
Ibrahim described career counselling as one of the most diverse fields in terms of professional prospects and education requirements.
“If you are a career development professional, you are within a very big tent. It’s a field where you can engage with different people at different levels in their lives,” he said.
Deirdre Pickerell of B.C-based Life Strategies and author of Where’s the Work? Helping Career Development Practitioners Explore Their Career Options as well as Diane Moore of George Brown College’s Career & Work Counsellor Program in Toronto also contributed to the story.
The article has so far been published in the Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette as well as canada.com.