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March 11, 2013CERIC in the spotlight on Professionally Speaking TV
March 27, 2013CERIC invites individuals or organizations with an interest in presenting at Cannexus14 to submit a brief outline using the Proposal Form for consideration and encourages them to inform colleagues or students of this opportunity. The bilingual Cannexus National Career Development Conference will take place January 20-22, 2014 at the Ottawa Convention Centre.
Cannexus is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development. We expect more than 800 participants from across Canada and internationally.
Several themes have been identified to assist presenters in targeting the content of their sessions. These are examples only, your ideas and suggestions are welcome.
- Effective Counselling & Facilitation Techniques
- Current Research, Theory & Methodology
- Intervention – Learning Models & Practices
- Personal and Professional Training Opportunities for Career Counsellors & Coaches
- Self-Care for Counsellors
- Current & Future Trends in Careers
- Human Resources/Competencies
- Current & New Technology/Tools (including Social Media)
- Ethics for Career Development Practitioners
- Practical Applications & Innovations
- Employment Policy – Employment Programs (Community, Municipal, Provincial & Federal)
- Career Centre Management & Career Services for Secondary and Post-Secondary
- Mentorship & Entrepreneurship
- Marginalized Client Populations (including Newcomers/Immigrants)
- Aboriginal Career Issues
Please read the Guidelines & Terms of Presenting before proceeding to the Proposal Form. The submission deadline is June 14, 2013.