CERIC 2012 Annual Report now available
July 15, 2013CERIC’s National Challenge to Promote Career Development launches August 12
July 29, 2013Earlier this month, CERIC’s Director of Marketing, Sharon Ferriss, spoke with Job Talk Radio – BC about CERIC’s work as a charitable organization supporting career and employment counsellors in increasing the economic and social well-being of Canadians through improved quality, effectiveness and accessibility of career development programs.
In a 30-minute interview with host Dennis Larabee, Ferriss discussed the funding that CERIC provides for research and learning projects that advance knowledge in career development. Some examples of recent projects include the Career Practitioner Role in Supporting People with Mental Health Challenges, Hope-Centred Career Development for University/College Students and Look Before You Leap: Self-Employment Survival Strategies.
She also spoke about CERIC’s three main strategic programs. ContactPoint (OrientAction in French) is a multi-sector online community for professionals in career development providing interactive networking, resources and learning. The Canadian Journal of Career Development is a peer-reviewed publication of career-related academic research and best practices. Cannexus is Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference promoting innovative approaches for career counselling, attracting 800 delegates each year.
The interview also touched on some new initiatives from CERIC including its Career Development Matters campaign, the upcoming Summer Skills Academy and how people can stay up to date on CERIC’s work.
Job Talk Radio – BC connects with guest speakers, career practitioners, employees, jobseekers and employers to share their views. Host Dennis Larabee is with Interweave Canada Inc. , a BC-based agency that helps clients with a “21st century approach to employment search, retention, training and professional development”.