CERIC celebrates its 10th anniversary!
January 1, 2014Cannexus14 less than 3 weeks away!
January 2, 2014Your work as a career development professional is in constant flux. And so is your online community! Since ContactPoint’s relaunch last year, the website has continued to evolve to meet your needs.
We have created new categories of resources in our Directory:
- Apps that you can use in your work,
- Blogs aimed at career development professionals, and
- A new section listing resources by type of clientele.
We constantly add new resources to ContactPoint’s directory, and we share three of the most valuable every week in our free CareerWise newsletter.
Interested in showcasing your expertise? You can now browse Calls for Presenters on ContactPoint’s events board. A guest blogging section was also added to the Blogger Central; you can get your post published by getting in touch with contactpoint@ceric.ca, or even apply to become a regular blogger. We have also recently launched an improved version of the career development wiki, one of the most visited sections of the website, and you can join us as a contributor.
Finally, an open discussion forum called “News of the Sector” aggregates the latest news of the career development community in Canada. So share your organization’s news!
Don’t forget that ContactPoint users can also contribute content to every section of the website. This is a community website by career practitioners for career practitioners!