GSEP Award winners coming to Cannexus17 conference
October 13, 2016
10 Questions for Premier Kathleen Wynne
October 16, 2016CERIC has engaged PSE Information Systems to study career services delivery in Canadian post-secondary institutions with the following major goals:
- To understand the landscape of career service models across Canada, and
- To examine the level of institutional commitment to the provision of career services to students.
Since the quality of the knowledge gained from this study will be greatly influenced by the level of participation of career services professionals, all Directors OR Managers of career services in colleges and universities in Canada are invited to complete the survey questionnaire.
If you are not the Director or the Manager of your career services, please encourage the head of your department to complete the survey.
Please take some time from your busy schedule to contribute to this important study. Estimated completion time for the survey is 30-45 minutes. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, November 4.
A total of 37 survey participants will be randomly selected as ‘incentive’ winners that include 2 chances for a 7.9 in., 32 GB Apple iPad mini; 5 chances for free registration to the Cannexus17 or Cannexus18 National Career Development Conference, 10 Canadian Tire ($100 value) gift cards and 20 Tim Horton ($25 value) gift cards.
Project findings will be presented in Ottawa at Cannexus17 on Monday, January 23, 2017.