New literature search explores the link between social enterprise and career development
September 26, 2017Latest literature search looks at the role of volunteering in career development
October 1, 2017The preliminary programme for the Cannexus18 National Career Development Conference is now available online. Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, Cannexus18 takes place January 22-24, 2018 in Ottawa and is expected to bring together 1,000 professionals in the field.
There are more than 150 concurrent education sessions in the programme, exploring innovative approaches in career counselling and career development. Just a few of the highlights include:
- Recruiting, Retaining and Engaging Individuals with Mental Illness
- Ethical Practice in the Gig Economy
- Showcasing Provincial Successes in Workforce Development
- Indigenous Engagement & Economic Inclusion
- Infusing Career-Relevant Learning Throughout Post-Secondary
- Mature Workers Uncover the “Hidden Job Market”
Cannexus also features three prominent keynote speakers, Mega sessions led by well-known thought leaders, an Exhibitor Showcase, and multiple networking opportunities. Plus, delegates can extend their conference learning with optional pre-conference workshops.
Save on Cannexus by registering by the November 1, 2017 Early Bird deadline. You can also take advantage of an additional 10% savings if you are a member of one of our supporting organizations. Special rates are also available for students, groups and 1-day registrations.
Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada with a broad network of supporting organizations and sponsors.