Cannexus18 preliminary programme released
September 27, 2017McTavish bursaries awarded for Cannexus18 conference
October 2, 2017Volunteering is a great tool to help develop both practical and social skills. In many cases, volunteering expands networks and eventually leads to full-time employment. How can career professionals provide advice on meaningful volunteering opportunities so that their clients can move forward professionally and personally? CERIC’s latest literature search Volunteerism and Career Development explores the benefits of volunteerism in advancing career development.
Topics covered in the literature search include:
- The career benefits of volunteering
- Impact of volunteerism on employee development
- Strategic volunteering for newcomers
- Millennials’ perspectives on volunteerism
- Volunteering abroad and global workforce development
- Measuring career development volunteerism
There are a total of 39 literature searches now available, including Career Development Theory and Career Management Models, Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Parental Involvement in Career Development, Labour Market Trends, Mental Health Issues in the Workplace, and more.
Featuring comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, literature searches highlight critical points of current knowledge.
As a student, academic or practitioner in the field, literature searches are helpful if you are researching the latest thinking or proven best practices. They are also valuable if you are considering a submission to CERIC for project partnership funding in order to gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.