Green Jobs for Canadians
May 8, 2018ContactPoint’s Blogroll
May 8, 2018Tips for coordinating professional and personal demands, methods for determining values and expectations, and counsellor self-care are key interests of delegates who attend CERIC’s Cannexus conferences. These “balancing act” concerns inspired this issue of The Bulletin.
As people whose work is the world of work, it’s not surprising that career practitioners have much to say on the subject. This issue’s authors reflect upon aspects of career development – setting career goals, creating an engaging workplace, supporting multi-barriered clients – as well as the challenges shared with others, such as running a small business, returning to work after a new baby, and managing daily stress.
Career practitioners help clients connect with productive activities in the public realm that fulfil both material and psychological needs. Our contributors offer excellent tools for enhancing your skills and services. Equally important is taking time to assess our own paths and states of harmony. May this issue of The Bulletin get you off to a great start for 2011 as you perform your own balancing act!