What’s New
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018
We Have Changed Our Subscription Process
If you are a regular subscriber to Contact Point you will want to know that we have updated our subscription process so that you can subscribe and unsubscribe to Contact Point items and the Canadian Journal of Career Development (To find out more about the CJCD, go tohttp://contactpoint.ca/cjcd), and fully participate in MyContactPoint features including: Modifying Personal Information and change Password, update Subscriptions, add personalized pages (Talent Bank Summary, Career Portfolio, Bookmarks and Notes) and personalize your content submissions.
You will be receiving an email from us informing you of your subscription account information. You can use this account to: update your subscriptions, access chats and discussions, and participate in MyContactPoint. (To find out more, follow the link to our virtual tour –www.contactpoint.ca/index.pl?section=portal)
If you have recently subscribed you will have already received this information. Please take this opportunity to check out your MyContactPoint account. Your emailed information will include a temporary password and a live link to your account. By clicking on the live link you can update all of your information and access the features described above.
Isn’t it time you made contact?
Le décompte est commencé!
Intervenants francophones, surveillez le lancement d’OrientAction dès la fin août. En attendant, vous pouvez déjà jeter un coup d’oeil au site en développement à l’adresse www.orientaction.ca et n’hésitez pas à suggérer des contenus intéressants en cliquant sur le lien au bas de la marge de gauche. Vous pouvez également créer votre compte personnel dès maintenant et nous faire part de vos commentaires et suggestions dans le forum de discussion qui porte justement sur le développement d’OrientAction.
À bientôt!
Nathalie Perreault