A call for social work theory in the expansion of the ‘Peter Principle’
July 10, 2020Career counselling, Gen z and their sometimes very involved parents
July 10, 2020By Fauzia Farzana
Infatuation for work and determination are key elements in accomplishing one’s goals. My passion for managing people has driven me to pursue higher studies in human resources management. Career development is directly linked to the goals and objectives set by an individual. It starts with self-actualization and self-assessment of one’s interests and capabilities. The interests are then matched with the available options. To achieve the highest of anyone, I need to acquire skills, which I am fulfilling through my Master’s in Industrial Relations and Human Resources program at the University of Toronto. The university offers a place to foster my passion and thrive under the guidance of esteemed faculty members. They help me acquire desired competencies and perform to achieve my goals.
Career development of employees is not a mere responsibility of organizations, rather it is their obligation to address the ambitions of employees and create such job positions where they can accommodate their growing ambitions.
I always believed in my career that most employees are career conscious and they will stick to an organization where they feel that they would have an opportunity to showcase their talent, grow to the maximum possible level and achieve their objectives. In employment relations, when an employee thinks about growth, some employees may look for a large package or some may want to climb up the ladder in the hierarchy and reach the topmost position. Again, some may want to acquire higher skills and competencies along with their growth as a human being. Depending upon one’s own thinking, different employee takes different actions in order to achieve their objectives.1
Organizational career development is important for both employee and employer. Both employer and employee must be ready to keep with the changing environment and act accordingly. Employees continuously need to upgrade their skills and competencies to meet the current demands whereas organizations must be ready with those employees who can handle pressure effectively and cease the risk of falling prey to change.2 Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of career development to both employers and employees.
Any employee’s career is a sequence of work-related activities as well as his future aspirations. Several factors may affect his career development, such as his behaviour, attitudes, values, ambitions, desires, opportunities, threats, weaknesses and strengths, plus the outer environment and economic conditions.3
Career development activities and opportunities train, motivate and challenge employees for greater productivity in the workplace. For example, an employee might have an interest in developing interpersonal skills. The ideal environment for your employee is the opportunity to interact with customers.
In a nutshell of my study and career progression, I find career development is necessary for those who want look forward and dream to reach higher.
Author Bio
Fauzia Farzana is highly interested in learning complex HR practices in Canada. Farzana’s background and experience have developed her expertise in changing environments in labour markets. The University of Toronto’s MIRHR department is undoubtedly the best place for her to learn about establishing and maintaining satisfactory labour management relations, negotiations, labour market influencing factors, relations management and maintaining positive working relationships among employers and employees.
1 http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/human-resource-management-2/career-development-in-hrm/
2 https://www.mbaskool.com/business-concepts/human-resources-hr-terms
3 https://hr.buffalostate.edu/professional-development-examples