Crisis management: Identifying effective leadership competencies during the COVID-19 pandemic
July 8, 2020Employment: A key determinant of newcomer youth integration?
July 10, 2020By Mohit Bassi
The present spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will have a greater societal impact than the 9/11 terrorist bombings in New York (Atkeson, 2020; Gerber, 2020). A large part of the global efforts to curtail COVID-19 involves staying at home to stop the spread of the pandemic (Sajed & Amgain, 2020). This sudden sociocultural change has led to mass efforts in shifting education, training and work programs online; individuals have increasingly started working from home and engaging in “remote work” (Sajed & Amgain, 2020). However, this transition to working from home brings new challenges and considerations for bosses, employees and career practitioners.
Mental health is affected by the pandemic
Sigmund Freud has been credited for saying “Love and work … work and love, that’s all there is … love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness” (Sherman, 2009). Until recently, most people have experienced a physical separation between where they work (eg, an office) and where they spend time with loved ones (eg, at home). Work can give our lives meaning, but it is also a source of socialization (George, 2010), goal orientation (Curral & Marques-Quinteiro, 2009), cognitive flow (Salanova, Bakker, & Llorens, 2006) and reciprocity (Arthur & Kram, 1989). For many individuals, taking care of oneself and replacing these needs have become difficult when shifting toward independent work from home (Dechen, Wangyal, Tanimoto, Sato, & Kanai, 2020). Uncertainty from the pandemic has led to increases in anxiety, depression, and stress among healthcare workers and the general public (Liu, et al., 2020). Especially for parents, the task of taking care of loved ones while managing work may be very challenging (Traube, et al., 2020).
Remote work is a future that cannot be ignored
Just as the 9/11 terrorist attacks indefinitely changed global social policies related to privacy, security and travel (Paquin & James, 2014), it is anticipated that COVID-19 will have lasting impacts on how we work and will accelerate existing digital infrastructure to further support and enable remote work (Greenhalgh, Koh, & Car, 2020). For example, the use of telehealth and telemedicine offers healthcare providers (eg, doctors, mental health workers) access to their patients remotely (Hollander & Carr, 2020). University classes are shifting online, and educational institutions are building massive open online courses (MOOCs) available for members of the public to take (Breslow, et al., 2013). The advent of 5G networks and growing telecommunications infrastructure means faster speeds, lower latency and a more connected world (Lema, et al., 2017). Although remote work is not possible for every profession, it is possible that the future of traditional work may largely be supplemented, or supplanted, by remote work. However, many workers are faced with unmet social and cognitive needs that are typically attained through traditional work.
Balancing mental health and productivity
“Find three hobbies you love: One to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative” – Anonymous
In a world where we are working and living from home, it can be easy to get caught up in distractions related to work and life. At a time like this, we must be mindful of our unmet needs, especially during a global pandemic where physical health may be given more attention than our mental health. Ask yourself (and your clients): What hobby or aspirations have you been putting off? What is something that you never found time for, that you can possibly do now from your home? In times of uncertainty about the future, now might just be the best time to pick up a book, set a new fitness goal, learn to draw or meditate.
Author Bio
Mohit Bassi is a master’s student in Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He is a recipient of the SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship and is interested in mental health and creativity research as it applies to career development. His thesis is on culturally adapting counselling/psychotherapy with Indo-Canadian immigrants.
Arthur, M. B., & Kram, K. E. (1989). Reciprocity at work: The separate, yet inseparable possibilities for individual and organizational development. In M. B. Arthur, D. T. Hall, & B. S. Lawrence (Eds.), Handbook of Career Theory (pp. 292-311). Melbourne, Australia: Canbridge University Press.
Atkeson, A. (2020). What will be the economic impact of COVID-19 in the US? Rough estimates of disease scenarios (No. w26867). National Bureau of Economic Research, 1-25. Retrieved from
Breslow, L., Pritchard, D. E., DeBoer, J., Stump, G. S., Ho, A. D., & Seaton, D. T. (2013). Studying learning in the worldwide classroom research into edX’s first MOOC. Research & Practice in Assessment, 8, 13-25.
Curral, L., & Marques-Quinteiro, P. (2009). Self-leadership and work role innovation: Testing a mediation model with goal orientation and work motivation. Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 25(2), 165-176.
Dechen, T., Wangyal, S., Tanimoto, S., Sato, H., & Kanai, A. (2020). A preliminary study of risk assessment of mobile workers for improvement of work-life balance. Bulletin of Networking, Computing, Systems, and Software, 9(1), 43-45.
George, J. M. (2010). The wider context, costs, and benefits of work engagement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20(1), 53-59.
Gerber, R. (2020, April 09). COVID-19 is this generation’s 9/11, and other ways life will never be the same again. Retrieved from Forbes:
Greenhalgh, T., Koh, G. C., & Car, J. (2020). Covid-19: a remote assessment in primary care. British Medical Journal, 368, 1-5.
Hollander, J. E., & Carr, B. G. (2020). Virtually perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19. The New England Journal of Medicine. doi:10.1056/NEJMp2003539
Lema, M. A., Laya, A., Mahmoodi, T., Cuevas, M., Sachs, J., Markendahl, J., & Dohler, M. (2017). Business case and technology analysis for 5G low latency applications. IEEE Access, 5, 5917-5935.
Liu, S., Yang, L., Zhang, C., Xiang, Y. T., Liu, Z., Hu, S., & Zhang, B. (2020). Online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7(4), e17-e18.
Paquin, J., & James, P. (Eds.). (2014). Game changer: The impact of 9/11 on North American security. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Sajed, A. N., & Amgain, K. (2020). Corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak and the strategy for prevention. Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(1), 1-4.
Salanova, M., Bakker, A. B., & Llorens, S. (2006). Flow at work: Evidence for an upward spiral of personal and organizational resources. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(1), 1-22.
Sherman, J. E. (2009, December 13). Love, work, play: Physics, organism, organization and romance in a nutshell. Retrieved April 2020, from Psychology Today:
Traube, D. E., Hsiao, H. Y., Rau, A., Hunt-O’Brien, D., Lu, L., & Islam, N. (2020). Advancing Home Based Parenting Programs through the Use of Telehealth Technology. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(1), 44-53.