The newest edition of the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) has just been published, with five articles that range from ethical risk management in co-op programs to work-life wellness during COVID to youth career engagement and more.
Articles include:
- Ethical Risk Management in Co-Operative Education Programs, Christine Dodds, Craig Cameron, Cynthia Maclean
- Ethnolinguistic Identity and Vocational Readiness as Non-Cognitive Factors Related to College Adaptation and Satisfaction with Life Among Franco-Ontarian Post-Secondary Students Living in an Anglo-Dominant Context, André Samson, Alexander R Maisonneuve, Zacharie Saint-Georges
- Does Work Have to Make Sense? Work Engagement in a Group of Micro-Entrepreneurs. The Mediating Role of Coherence at Work, Arkadiusz Mirosław Jasiński, Marcin M. Ociepa
- An Exploration of Work-Life Wellness and Remote Work During and Beyond COVID-19, Rebecca Como, Laura Hambley, José Domene
- Engaging Youth in Their Careers, Hoda Kilani
CJCD has also launched a new, modern and accessible website: For readers, articles now have abstracts that are simple to scan or search, and responsive pages mean you can read CJCD on any device. For authors, submissions are now conveniently managed through the website and your articles will be more easily found and cited.
The Canadian Journal of Career Development is a partnership project between CERIC and Memorial University of Newfoundland with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada. It is Canada’s only peer-reviewed publication of multi-sectoral career-related academic research and best practices from this country and around the world.
CJCD is published twice a year. It is free to subscribe to the digital editions and all issues of the journal dating back to 2002 are available to access online.
Journal Associate Editor Diana Boyd will be hosting a panel of authors at the Cannexus21 virtual conference on Jan. 27: Publishing Your Work & Research in 2021. This panel will provide information to faculty, graduate students, and practitioners on how to go about publishing your research and work.