We asked people working in career development across Canada:

In the next 10 years, what do you think is most needed to advance career development in Canada?

Here’s what they had to say.

Tam Nguyen headshot

A multi-faceted spectrum of diversity that comes with individuality, where identity diversity and cognitive diversity go hand in hand; where we dedicate ourselves to not only helping our diverse clients but also training our diverse practitioners who can bring unique experiences, different approaches and meaningful collaborations to our future career development.

Tam Nguyen, Career Coach, Empurpose

Roberta Borgen headshot

Lifelong career development requires access to support from highly competent career development professionals (CDPs). Professionals, in any sector, require specialized education. Currently, unless they speak French, Canadian CDPs have no access to advanced (graduate-level) education that specializes in career development. We need an accessible master’s degree in career development for English-language speakers across Canada – it is LONG overdue!

– Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault), CCC, CCDF, GCDFi, President, Life Strategies Ltd.

Lisa Taylor headshot

Canadians need to know, trust, value and have access to great career development. This major shift starts by confronting the current “fail-first” system of patchwork employment and job supports that requires unemployment or underemployment as a condition for access. How might a reimagined a long-life (not just lifelong) careers system be implemented? Do we have the courage to lead this change?

Lisa Taylor, President, Challenge Factory

Yilmaz Dinc headshot

Immigrants make Canada’s workforce more dynamic and innovative. Yet, many immigrants don’t reach their full career potential due to underemployment and their skills being underutilized. Over the next decade, increasing the match between immigrant skills and job requirements will be essential. This should be accompanied by more agile and creative job requirements that better capture transferable skills, and a more inclusive career ladder.

– Dr. Yilmaz E. Dinc, Immigration Research and Policy Expert

Mary Rose Kilabuk headshot

One decade of maximizing Inuit employment through partnerships and industry support will advance career development in Canada. Inuit thought leaders inspiring Inuit is what’s most needed. I am willing to make an impact; it’s why I’m here.

Mary Rose Kilabuk, Career Development Officer, Government of Nunavut

Anu Pala headshot

By implementing coaching tools and practices such as the co-active model as well as other creative goal-setting models, we can provide a deeper level of support to clients through a holistic lens. In addition, leveraging multimedia such as podcasts and videos to teach and reinforce career development skills is a creative and meaningful way to engage clients more effectively.

– Anu Pala, Accessibility and Inclusion Consultant, Anu Vision Coaching and Consulting

Tricia Berry headshot

I believe we will no longer need to ask this question in 10 years, because people will have come to the realization that career development is a vital part of their health and wellness. If we imagine a world where our children have lives with health, happiness and purpose, it is one where career development plays a pivotal role.

– Tricia Berry, Learning Specialist in Universal Design for Career Education, New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Kris Magnusson headshot

Pride: in the amazing foundations for career development in Canada.

Passion: renewed commitment to fostering meaningful engagement for people in challenging times.

Purpose: building communities where all belong and can enact preferred futures.

Performance: actively engaging a broader stakeholder community in the power of career development.

Poise: increased confidence through documented evidence supporting our claims.

– Kris Magnusson, Professor and Dean Pro Tem, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University

Jodi Tingling headshot

To advance career development in Canada in the next 10 years, workplaces need to take a people-first approach. This means not hiring people for fit but rather for how they can contribute to the role. This also means offering career options centred around inclusion, flexibility and strong leadership, and professional development opportunities that help build individuals’ careers.

– Jodi Tingling, Corporate Wellness Specialist and Wellness Coach, Creating New Steps

Rhonda Taylor headshot

A universal understanding of what career development means that is fluid enough to reflect each individual’s aspirations. An understanding of the value and impact that career development has at various stages in our lives. An understanding that it plays a role in our success as a community and as a nation; that it will change as people learn and grow throughout their lifetime.

– Rhonda Taylor, CEO, Career Trek