Cannexus13 Call for Presenters now open!
March 1, 2012Free e-books on managing your career centre
March 15, 2012Voting is now open for the Ashoka Changemakers Initiative: Inspiring Approaches to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning, co-sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada.The voting period ends on March 21, 2012 at 5:00 pm ET.
A panel of judges composed of First Nations, Métis and Inuit leaders in education have chosen 16 finalists for the Community Awards. Log on, review the entries and vote for your favourite ideas or projects. The entries with the most online votes win the Community Awards, including three awards of $5,000 each and two awards of $2,500 each.
The Counselling Foundation of Canada and CERIC are sponsoring three awards of $1,000 each that will be given to the top entries relating to career education and workplace learning in Canada. For the Regional Awards and Awards for Specific Areas of Learning, the award sponsors and/or the Ashoka Changemakers team will select the winning entries.
There are two ways to vote – on or on Facebook. Read the full voting instructions.
Winners will be announced on March 26.