Winter 2011 A Quarterly Publication of ContactPoint What’s New – Updates and Information from ContactPoint and CERIC This Issue’s Theme: The Balancing Act Intentional Practice: […]
By Dr. Roberta Neault and Deirdre Pickerell There are thousands of websites, blogs, and articles offering tips for finding balance. Canadians are working longer hours (23% […]
by Roberta Neault, PhD, and Deirdre Pickerell, MEd In an increasingly global workplace, more of our working relationships are entirely online.
By Krista Maydew, MA, GCDF, and Roberta Neault, PhD, CCC, RRP, GCDF When you hear someone talking about diversity in the workplace, people often assume the […]
By Roberta Neault, PhD, Cassie Saunders, BA, and Fiona Glendinning, BA, Life Strategies Ltd. It can be tempting for career practitioners and counsellors working with groups […]
By Roberta Neault Do you remember Art Linkletter (Linkletter & Schultz, 2005) and his “Kids say the darndest things” television segments? Similarly, career practitioners hear the […]
By Roberta Neault and Miranda Vande Kuyt Counselling and coaching, even in the traditional face-to-face format, are relatively new “professions.” e-Anything is even newer—it’s not that […]
By Deirdre Pickerell and Dr. Roberta Neault Career Management Professionals (CMPs) can often be found delivering their services within government funded community-based agencies. The mandate of […]
By Dr. Roberta Neault, CCC, RRP Our world is increasingly complex – influenced by a global economy, satellite television, the Internet, and, in Canada, a “cultural […]