Goal: Produce high-quality, well-researched and professionally presented webinars for career professionals and others interested in engaging a virtual workforce so that clients can access legitimate work-from-home opportunities.In response to repeated inquiries from clients, the Employment and Education Centre (EEC) undertook preliminary research to answer the question: “Are there really legitimate opportunities to work from home?” The answer is a resounding yes; the number of employers and independent contractor relationships as well as the variety of the skills needed was a surprise. As with any vulnerable population there are predators with well-designed scams, willing to prey on the unemployed. The EEC offered an introductory workshop in Brockville, ON and was overwhelmed with the response having to put on a second workshop on the same day to meet the demand (100 people attended that first day, a record for the centre). The workshop continues to fill every time it is offered.
Given this gap in knowledge related to Legitimate Opportunities to Work from Home (WFH), the centre is working in partnership with CERIC on a three-year learning and professional development project that includes the development of high-quality, well-researched and professionally delivered train-the trainer webinars on the topic of Working from Home. The focus is on legitimate employment and independent contractor relationships, not home-based businesses. This project educates career professionals and provides them the tools (slides, resources, and marketing materials) so that they can offer workshops to their clients.
By educating career professionals and giving them ready-made tools, they are empowered to work confidently with their clients, opening up new options for employment for a number of traditionally underserved client groups including people with disabilities, rural communities, Aboriginal communities, newcomers, caregivers and older workers.
The overall impact will be the closing of the knowledge gap for career professionals related to legitimate opportunities to work from home that is fresh, timely and relevant to the needs of their clients. The train-the-trainer webinars are offered monthly, with the content reviewed and updated to keep it current.
4 x 1 hour webinar series (maximum 25 participants)
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET
$249 per person
Find out about upcoming webinar dates by visiting http://www.eecentre.com/wfh.php or contact Anne-Marie Rolfe at annemarie@eecentre.com or 613.498.2111 x261.
Final Report – Learn about the experience of the project partner in delivering this project with key findings and insights.