Coaching and Career Development
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Topics covered in the literature search include:
- Research and best practices in experiential learning
- Role of experiential learning in advancing career development
- Evaluation of experiential learning and student outcomes
- Impact of experiential learning in the corporate world
- An experiential learning approach to support youth development
Experiential Learning and Career Development
Literature Search Updated March 2022
Agarwal, A. (2018). Why is Experiential Learning the Real Learning for Employees. Entrepreneur.
Anderson, K.L., Boyd, M., Marin, K.A., McNamara, K. (2019). Reimagining Service-Learning: Deepening the Impact of This High-Impact Practice. Journal of Experiential Education. Vol. 42(3)
Andrews, J. & Ramji, K. (2020). Connecting work-integrated learning and career development in virtual environments: An analysis of the UVic Leading Edge. International Journal of Work – Integrated Learning. Vol.21(5), 643–656.
Ash, S. L., & Clayton, P. H. (2004). The articulated learning: An approach to guided reflection and assessment. Innovative Higher Education, Vol.29(2), 137-154.
*Ashby, C. (2006). The benefits of reflective practice. Practice Nurse, Vol.32(9), 35-37.
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Barton, G., & Ryan, M. (2020). What does reflection look and feel like for international students? An exploration of reflective thinking, reflexivity and employability. Journal of International Students. Vol. 10(S2), 1-16.
Beard, C., & Wilson, J. P. (2013). Experiential learning: a handbook for education, training and coaching (3rd ed.). London, UK: Kogan Page Publishers
Bennett, D., Power, A., Thomson, C., Mason, B., & Bartleet, B.-L. (2016). Reflection for learning, learning for reflection: developing Indigenous competencies in higher education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice. Vol. 13(2).
Bhuiyan, N., and Brennan, J. (2019). Eager to expand your university education through experiential learning? Concordia University.
Bleakney, J. (2019). What is Work-Integrated Learning?. Elon University, Center for Engaged Learning.
*Bloomfield, T. (2013). Engaging indigenous participation: toward a more diverse profession. Museum Management and Curatorship. Vol.28(2), 138-152.
Budd, J.M., Chu, C.M., Dali, K., O’Brien, H. (2016). Making an impact through experiential learning. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Vol 52 (1), 1-4.
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*Coyer, C., Gebregiorgis, D., Patton, K., Gheleva, D., Bikos, L. (2019). Cultivating Global Learning Locally Through Community-Based Experiential Education. Journal of Experiential Education.Vol. 42: (2), 155-170.
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Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol.111(23), 8410-8415.
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Forbes Coaches Council. (2018). 10 Easy Ways to Implement Experiential Learning in the Corporate World. Forbes.
Forbes Coaches Council, (2017). Why Experiential Learning Should Be Part of Your Employee Training. Forbes.
*Garcia, H. & Miralles, F. (2016). Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life. Penguin.
Girvan, C., Conneely, C., Tangney, B. (2016). Extending experiential learning in teacher professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 58, Pages 129-139.
*Glazier, J., Bolick, C., Stutts, C. (2017). Unstable Ground: Unearthing the Realities of Experiential Education in Teacher Education. Journal of Experiential Education. Vol. 40 (3), 231-248.
Gomez, E. (2018). Preparing Students for the Future with Experiential Learning. CAPSIM.
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*Grossman, R. (2009). Structures for facilitating student reflection. College Teaching. Vol.57(1), 15-22.
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*Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1995). Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education. Vol. 11(1), 33–49.
Helyer, R. (2015). Learning through reflection: the critical role of reflection in work-based learning (WBL). Journal of Work-Applied Management. Vol. 7(1), 15-27.
Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (2016). A Practical Guide for Work-integrated Learning. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ho, M. (2016). New Research Shows Investing in Experiential Learning for Leaders Pays Off. Atd- Association for Talent Development
Houde, P. M. A. (2019). Reflective Practice for Professional Development via a Collective Accompaniment Model: Transforming English as a Foreign Language Teaching with BA-TESOL Professionals in Mexico. McGill University (Canada).
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Hussain, N., Akhtar Rana, N. (2019). Testing ERE Cycle in Teaching Business Communication Courses: Experiential Learning Strategies. Journal of Education and Educational Development. Vol. 6 (1), 62-77
*Jackson, D., Rowbottom, D., Ferns, S., & McLaren, D. (2017). Employer understanding of work-integrated learning and the challenges of engaging in work placement opportunities. Studies in Continuing Education. Vol. 39(1), 35-51.
*Jameson, J., Clayton, P., & Bringle, R. (2008). Investigating student learning within and across linked service-learning courses. In M. Bowden, S. Billig, & B. Holland (Eds.), Scholarship for sustaining service learning and civic engagement (pp. 3-27). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Janes, S. (2018). Career Ready Fund supports experiential learning initiatives on campus. McMaster University.
Keates, C., Morgan, F. (2017). Growing Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students. CACEE- Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers
*Kember, D., Leung, D.Y.P., Jones, A., Yuen Loke, A., McKay, J., Sinclair, K., Tse, H., Webb, C., Kam Yuet Wong, F., Wong, M. & Yeung, E. (2000). Development of a Questionnaire to Measure the Level of Reflective Thinking. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol.25(4), 381-395.
*Kember, D., McKay, J., Sinclair, K., & Wong, F. K. Y. (2008). A four-category scheme for coding and assessing the level of reflection in written work. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol.33(4), 369-379.
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*Langlais, M.R. (2018). Experiential Learning in Family Life education Methodology: Low, medium, and High Dosage Projects. Journal of Experiential Education. Vol. 41 (4), 382-396.
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*Masterson, M. (2018). Self-Discovery Through the Experiential Co-Construction of Life Stories in the Foreign Language Classroom. Journal of Experiential Education. Vol. 41 (4), 341-355.
McCarthy, M. (2016). Experiential Learning Theory: From Theory to Practice. Journal of Business & Economics Research. Vol. 14(3), 91-100.
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Note: References marked with “*” are behind paywall
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