Refugees’ Career Development Issues
May 17, 2018Digital Economy and Career Development
June 22, 2018- Version
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- Create Date June 6, 2018
- Last Updated August 26, 2021
Topics covered include:
- The digital workforce in the gig economy
- The gig economy and the future of work
- Research and policy implications of the gig economy
- Gig economy and freelancers
- The impact of the gig economy on gender income gap
Gig Economy and Career Development
Literature Search
June 2018
Abello, O.P. (2015). This “Gig Economy” Firm Prefers to Have Employees, Not Contractors. Architecture.
Abraham, K.G., Haltiwanger, J., Sandusky, K., Spletzer, J.R. (2016). Measuring the Gig economy. Society of Labor Economists.
Alton, L. (2018). Why the Gig Economy Is the Best and Worst Development for Workers Under 30. Forbes.
Ashford, S., Petriglieri, G., Wrzesniewski, A. (2018). New Research Shows How Independent Workers Can Thrive in the Gig Economy. Michigan Ross.
BBC News, (2018)). Gig economy: Workers’ rights to be strictly enforced. BBC.
Bearne, S. (2016). Is the ‘gig economy’ turning us all into freelancers? BBC.
Bhattarai, A. (2018). Now hiring for one day: Retailers are embracing the gig economy. LA Times.
Boccabella, D., Kaine, S. (2017). How gig economy workers will be left short of super. UTS.
Bodge, T. (2018). The Gig Economy: How to Get Your Side Hustle On.
Bourke, M. (2016). The Role of the Agent in the Gig Economy. Aspect Blog.
Braverman, B. (2016). How Obamacare is Fueling the Gig Economy. The Fiscal Times.
Braverman, B. (2016). Here’s Who is Winning in the Gig Economy. The Fiscal Times.
Broughton, A., Gloster, R., Marvell, R., Green, M., Langley, J., and Martin, A. (2017). The Characteristics of Those in the Gig Economy. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.
Brown, D. (2017). The Gig Economy. Sage.
Brown, D. (2017). Are Millennials failing to develop important work skills? Sage.
Brown, J. (2016). Inside the gig economy’s pros and cons. CIODIVE.
Cam, V.V. (2018). Because Money Matters: How to Earn More Money as a Freelancer in a Gig Economy. Jack Langedijk.
Cheng, K., EE Ming, T. (2018). The Big Read: The unstoppable march of the gig economy. Today.
Cole, S. (2018). Gig economy workers want more than just flexibility. Finders.
Cook, C., Diamond, R., Hall, J., List, J.A., Oyer, P. (2018). The Gender Earnings in the Gig Economy: Evidence from over a Million Rideshare Drivers. Stanford Business.
Coughlan, S. (2018). Gig Economy Creates Problematic Income Volatility. Giving Compass.
Dahlberg, N. (2017). The Gig Economy is big and here to stay: How workers survive and thrive. The Chicago Tribune.
Davis, J.G. (2015). Protecting the rights of the digital workforce in the ‘gig’ economy. The Conversation.
DeCicco, J. (2018). Master the Gig Economy: How a Next Generation Entrepreneur Builds Wealth. Millionaire Mindset for Life.
De Laiglesia, J.R. and Tassot, C. (2016). The Gig Economy. Development Matters, OECD.
Donovan, S.A., Bradley, D.H., Shimabukuro, J.O. (2016). What Does the Gig Economy Mean for Workers? CRS Report. (2017). The Gig Economy: 2020 Freelance Workforce Predicted to Rise to 43%. Nasdaq
Druley, K. (2017). The gig economy and worker safety. Uncertainties surround the growing employment trend. NSC.
Dugan, P. (2017). The Sharing (aka Gig) Economy: Overview, Issues and Perspectives. Nova.
Dunn, C. (2018). The gig economy: Here’s what it is and why southcentral Pa. workers are joining it. York Daily Record.
Eidelson, J. (2018). Democrats Take Aim at the Gig Economy. Bloomberg.
Eisenberg, R. (2018). How to Thrive in the Gig Economy. Forbes.
Enwemeka, Z. (2017). What the Booming Gig Economy Means for the Future of Work. Bostonomix.
Fallon, N. (2017). The Growth of the Gig Economy: A Look at American Freelancers. Business News Daily.
Foster, T. (2018). On the Brink of the Next Industrial Revolution, the Gig Economy Promises a Fairer Playing Field. Innovative Employee Solutions.
Fox, J. (2018). The Truth about the Gig Economy. Bloomberg.
Fraleigh, S. (2017). How the Gig Economy is Changing Labor. The Staffing Stream.
Galperin, H. (2018). The Gig Economy May Strengthen Men’s ‘Invisible Advantage’ at Work. CITYLAB.
Gautam, A. (2018). L&D in the Gig Economy: Learn-tech to the Rescue. SHRM.
Gillespie, P. (2017). Intuit: Gig Economy is 34% of US workforce. CNN Money.
Gitis, B., Holtz-Eakin, D., Rinehart, W. (2017). The Gig Economy: Research and Policy Implications of Regional, Economic Demographic Trends. American Action Forum.
Grensing-Pophal, L. (2018). What You Need to Know About the Gig Economy. Spark.
Gutman Dickinson, J. (2016). Gig economy workers: Independent contractors or indentured servants? Capital & Main.
Hartman, M. (2018). What makes gig economy workers anxious? Marketplace.
Hayzlett, J. (2018). Is the Gig Economy Killing the 9-to-5 Job? No, Bit Its Giving It a Run for Its Money. Entrepreneur.
Hedges, C. (2018). The Gig Economy’ Is the New Term for Serfdom. Truthdig.
Heller, N. (2017). Is the Gig Economy Working? The New Yorker.
Henderson, R. (2017). 5 Ways the Gig Economy Can Work for Working Mothers. FOX Business.
Hill, S. (2015). How Big is the Gig Economy? HuffPost.
Hinsliff, G. (2018). The gig economy can be changed after all – thanks to unions and activists. The Guardian.
Holmes, H. (2018). Folding Underwear, Walking Dogs, and Building Furniture: My Journey Into the Gig Economy. Glamour.
Holz-Eakin, D., Gitis, B., Rinehart, W. (2017). The Gig Economy. Research and Policy Implications of Regional, Economic, and Demographic Trends. Future of Work Initiative and American Action Forum.
Hong, E. (2015). Making It Work: A Closer Look at the Gig Economy. New American Weekly.
Hughes, S., and Wood, M. (2018). The gig economy: It’s not just for rides or rooms. It’s also for taxes. Marketplace.
Hunt, S.T. (2018). Is the gig economy good for employees? SAP.
Irwin, N. (2016). With ‘Gigs’ Instead of Jobs, Workers Bear New Burdens. The New York Times.
Johnson, H. (2017). Editing You Tube Video: A Gig Economy Worker’s Field Guide. Herb Johnson.
Journal Record Staff. (2018). ‘Gig Economy’ research published. The Journal Record.
Kaine, S., Josserand, E. (2016). Workers are taking on more risk in the gig economy. The Conversation.
Kanapi, H. (2018). 10 Highest Paying Gig Economy Jobs of 2018. Entrepreneur.
Kass, A. (2018). Gig Economy Provides New Options to “Liquid Workforce”. Goodwill.
Kellog, D. (2018). Kellog Predictions for 2018. Kellblog.
Kelsky, K. (2014). The Professor is in: Can a Community-College Gig Be a Launch Pad? The Professor Is In.
Kenney, A. (2018. The gig economy could be the new path to middle class. OWTAJ.
Kessler, S. (2018). Gigged: The End of the Job and the Future of Work. St. Martin’s Press.
Kobie, N. (2018). What is the gig economy and why is it so controversial. WIRED.
Konish, L. (2018). These gig jobs could boost your bottom line in retirement.
Kristof, K. (2018). Laws need to get a grip on the gig economy. Los Angeles Times.
Kuiper, D. (2018). Gig Economy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Kuzel, AM. (2016). Learning and the Flexible Workforce. Clomedia.
Livingston, D. (2017). Marketing Your Services in the Gig Economy. TechTarget
Lynes, P. (2018). The Interim Revolution: How crowdsourcing, the on-demand Gig Economy and Teams as a Service are transforming business globally. Writing Matters Publishing.
Lyte, B. (2016). Can You Really Make a Living in the Gig Economy? WISEBREAD.
Mallen, E. (2017). HR Tech Is Booming, Thanks to the Gig Economy.
Manyika, J., Lund, S., Bughin, J., Robinson, K., Mischke, J., and Mahajan, D. (2016). Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy. McKinsey Global Institute.
McCabe, P. (2016). Employment in the ‘gig economy’: A new worker category. Sage
McCallum, J. (2017). The dark side of the gig economy: warning flags for accountants and finance professionals. INTHEBLACK.
McGovern, M. (2017). Thriving in the Gig Economy: How to Capitalize and Compete in the New World of Work. Career Press.
McGovern, M. (2016). Yet Another Research Report on the Gig Economy. Execranks.
McGuire, R. (2018). Ultimate Guide to Gig Economy Data: A Summary of Every Freelance Survey We Can Find. NATION.
Mizrahi, O. (2018). The Gig is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing is the Future. Greenleaf Book Group Press.
Molla, R. (2017). The gig economy workforce will double in four years. RECODE
Morgan, G., Nelligan, P. (2018). The Creativity Hoax: Precarious Work in the Gig Economy. Anthem Press
Moss, S. (2018). How having multiple jobs impacts your identity. Plural Careerist.
Mulcahy, D. (2017). The gig economy: the complete guide to getting better work, taking more time off, and financing the life you want! AMACOM, American Management Association.
Nazareth, L. (2017). The gig economy is here – and we aren’t ready. The Globe and Mail.
Nemko, M. (2016). The Gig Economy: Is that trend good? An internal debate. Marty Nemko.
Noguchi, Y. (2018). Gig Economy Renews Debate Over Whether Contractors Are really Employees. NPR.
Nova, A. (2018). The gig economy is lacking in this one important respect. Personal Finance.
O’Connell, J. (2017). We’re young, we’re working, but we’re not employed. The Irish Times.
Oppong, T. (2018). Working in the Gig Economy: How to Thrive and Succeed When You Choose to Work for Yourself. Kogan.
Oxfeld, J. (2018). You’re in the gig economy. Here’s how to save. Chase.
Page, V. (2015). The Rise of the Gig Economy. Investopedia.
Pardes, A. (2018). Angry Nerd: The Gig Economy’s Tipping Point. Wired.
Pesce, N.L. (2018). What gig economy workers can do to save for retirement. Moneyish.
Petriglieri, G., Ashford, S.J., and Wrzesniewski, A. (2018). Thriving in the Gig Economy. Harvrad Business Review.
Pfeffer, J. (2018). Both Workplaces and Gig Economy Companies Are Killing People, The Stanford Professor Warns. Entrepreneur.
Phillips, F., Walker, M.E. (2018). Women Who Gig. Lexology.
Phipps, J. (2017). Gig Economy Set to Spike. The HR Director.
Picchi, A. (2018). Making money in the gig economy? Avoid these 5 tax mistakes. USA Today.
Podnar, K. (2018). GDPR, From the Gig Economy Perspective. CMS WIRE.
Prassi, J. (2018). Humans as a Service: The Promise and Perils of Work in the Gig Economy. Oxford University Press.
Pultman, J. (2018). Growing Into the Gig Economy: Pending Legal Challenges for the Industry. New York Law Journal.
PYMNTS, (2018). How the Gig Economy is Making Disbursement Tools More Important. PYMNTS.
Quickbooks, (2017). The Gig Economy Impact to Employees. TSHEETS.
Rinehart, W., Gitis, B. (2015). Independent Contractors and the Emerging Gig Economy. American Action Forum.
Roberts, J. (2018). Gig economy necessitates a new charter of labour rights – expert. Horizon.
Robertson, P. (2017). Not lovin’ it: how insecure work creates insecure lifestyles for rge poorest in society. The Conversation.
Rosenblatt, S. (2018). In the gig economy, a cybersecurity divide. The Paralla.
Rush, C. (2017). The Gig Economy is Changing the Future of the Workforce. PayScale.
Salustri, J. (2017). Welcome to the Gig Economy. IREM.
Scheiber, N. (2018). Gig Economy Business Model Dealt a Blow in California Ruling. The New York Times.
Scudamore, B. (2018). How the Gig Economy is Fueling a New Type of Entrepreneur. Forbes.
Schwartz, M. (2017). The Gig Economy: Your Road to Financial Freedom. Kindle Books.
Seidenstein, T., Shahdad, S. (2017). More People Work in the Gig Economy Than You Might Think – and Many Want to Own Homes. Perspectives.
Shadpour, D. (2018). The Gig Economy: Pioneering The Future. Forbes.
Shane, S. (2017). What’s Behind the Growth of the Gig Economy? Small Business Trends.
Shaw, J. (2018). California Takes Another Run at Killing the Gig Economy. HOTAIR.
Smith, D., LaVelle, K., Lyons, M., and Silverstone, Y. (2017). The gig experience: Unleashing the potential of your talent and your business. Accenture Strategy.
Stevens, C. (2017). Go Gig!: Secure Your Future in the Gig Economy. Christopher Stevens.
Steward, S., & Pollack, E. (2018). Gig Economy Data Roundtable Addresses Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities for New Research. The Aspen Institute.
Storey, D., Steadman, T., Davis, C. (2018). Is the gig economy a fleeting fad, or an enduring legacy? EY.
Strauss, S. (2017). Is the freedom of the gig economy worth it? USA Today.
Sumagaysay, L. (2018). Gig economy ‘earthquake’: California Supreme Court rules on worker classification. East Bay Times.
Swartz, C. (2017). “Gig Economy” Glut: Uber Drivers Make Less Than Minimum Wage. Pro Trading.
Taylor, T. (2016). How Many in the Gig Economy? Conversable Economist.
Terrell, K. (2018). Older Workers Shine in Gig Jobs. Working at 50+.
The Editorial Board, (2017). The Gig Economy’s False Promise. The New York Times.
Terwelp, W. (2018). Rise Up and Stand Out, The Gig Economy is Here. ATD.
Tippett, E.C. (2018). Opinion: End of the gig economy? Don’t read too much into a California court ruling. PBS News Hour.
Tolley, K. (2018). Professors in the Gig Economy: Unionizing Adjunct Faculty in America. John Hopkins University Press.
TSheets. (2017). What is the Gig economy, and What Does It Mean for Business Owners? TSheets.
Uhler, A. (2015). How many people work in the ‘gig economy’? MARKETPLACE.
Van den Born, A. (2013). The Fuzzy Firm: The New Networked Organization in the Gig Economy. Born to Grow.
Varon, E. (2017). The ultimate Side Hustle Book: 450 Moneymaking Ideas for the Gig Economy. Adams Media.
Veazey, M.V. (2015). The ‘Gig Economy’: An App-based Spin on an Old Idea. Rigzone.
Vector Talent Resources. (2016). Gig Economy and the Future of the Workplace. Vector Talent Resources
Vulich, N. (2017). Fiverr Boot Camp: Join the Gig Economy. Make More Money, Enjoy More Freedom. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Wallace, A. (2018). New Research on the Gig Economy Could Offer Insights for Independent Workers. dbusiness.
Williams, T. (2018). What is the Gig Economy. Shreve Port Times.
Wilsin, B. (2017). What is the ‘gig’ economy. BBC News.
Wrzesniewski, A. (2018). The Agony and Ecstasy of the Gig Economy. Yale Insights.
Younger, J., and Smallwood, N. (2016). Performance Management in the Gig Economy. Harvard Business Review.
Ziemer, J., Sobel, A., Shechtman, D. (2018). Betterman Research Shows Gig Economy May Replace Retirement. Cision.
Zwilling, M. (2018). Entrepreneurs Can Capitalize on the New Gig Economy. AlleyWatch.
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