Assessment Tools for Career Development
May 2, 2018Gig Economy and Career Development
June 6, 2018- Version
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- Create Date May 17, 2018
- Last Updated May 7, 2024
Topics covered in the literature search include:
- What career counsellors need to know about refugees
- Narrative career counselling for people with refugee backgrounds
- Helping newcomer students achieve success in secondary school
- Syrian refugees in Canada and their struggle to find work
- Social justice counselling and advocacy with immigrants
Refugees’ Career Development Issues
Literature Search
May 2024
Abkhezr, P., Glasheen, K.J. (2017). Finding voice through narrative storytelling: A career development exploration of young African females with refugee backgrounds. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 105, Pages 17-30.
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M. (2016). People with refugee backgrounds: A case for narrative career counselling. IAEVG.
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M. (2017). Narrative Career Counselling for People with Refugee Backgrounds. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Volume 39, Issue 2, pp. 99-111.
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M., & Campbell, M. (2021). A systemic and qualitative exploration of career adaptability among young people with refugee backgrounds. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22: 363-383.
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M., Glasheen, K., & Campbell, M. (2018). Finding voice through narrative storytelling: An exploration of the career development of young African females with refugee backgrounds. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.105: 17–30.
Abkhezr, P., McMahon, M., Rossouw, P. (2015). Youth with refugee backgrounds in Australia : Contextual and practical considerations for career counsellors. Sage Journal.
Alfred, C. (2018). Deeply Talks: What to Watch on Refugees and Migration in 2018. Refugee Deeply.
Anderson, W.M. (2010). Career Development for Refugees. University of Kansas.
Arian, F., Gavranovic, A., & Venner, M. (2021). Refugee employment experience: Struggles, strategies & solutions. Edmund Rice Centre Australia.
Arthur N, McMahon M, Abkhezr P, Woodend J. (2023).Beyond job placement: careers for refugees. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
Atay, S., Chant, A., Conrads, R., Engelen-Kefer, U., Ferrari, L., Gülmez, N., Hertzberg, F., Hirasawa, K., Kohn, K.-H. P., Ghaffari, D. M., Nix, C., Nota, L., Reid, H., Sgaramella, T. M., Sundelin, Å., Weber, P. C. (2019). Counselling refugees means modernising counselling. Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market – Development of Courses for Higher Education and Public Employment Services
Atiyeh, S. (2017). What Career Counselors Need to Know About Refugees. NCDA.
Baker, S., Due, C., Rose, M. (2021). Transitions from education to employment for culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugees in settlement contexts: What do we know? Studies in Continuing Education. Vol.43(1):1–15.
Beadle, S. (2014). Facilitating the transition to employment for refugee young people. Centre for Multicultural Youth.
Bemak, F., & Chung, R.C. (2002). Counseling and psychotherapy with refugees. In P.B. Pedersen, J.G. Draguns, W.J. Lonner, & J.E. Trimble (Eds.), Counseling across cultures (2nd ed., pp. 209-232). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Google Scholar.
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Boyston, B. & Short, D. (2012). Helping newcomer students achieve success in secondary schools and beyond. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Brandt, J., and Earle, L. (2018). The Global Compact for Refugees. Brookings.
Burhani, N. H., Sayed, J., Block, K., van Kooy, J., & Edwards, C. (2018). Facilitating better employment opportunities for refugee background migrants and people seeking asylum in Australia: A policy briefing paper. Melbourne Social Equity Institute
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Campion, E.D. (2017). The career adaptive refugee: Exploring the structural and personal barriers to refugee resettlement. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Volume 105, Pages 6-16.
Campion, E.D. (2018). The career adaptive refugee: Exploring the structural and personal barriers to refugee resettlement. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Vol.105:6–16.
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Cancian, S. (2018). The Power of Life Stories: Situating the Narratives of Migrants and Refugees within the Context of the Law. McGilll University.
Chi-Ying Chung, R., Bemak, F., Kudo Grabosky, T. (2011). Multicultural-Social Justice Leadership Strategies: Counseling and Advocacy with Immigrants. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology. Volume 3, Number 1.
Codell, J.D., Hill, R.D., Woltz, D.J., Gore Jr., P.A. (2011). Predicting Meaningful Employment for Refugees: The Influence of Personal Characteristics and Developmental Factors on Employment Status and Hourly Wages. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling.. 33:216.
Correa-Velez, I., Barnett, A.G., and Gifford, S. (2015). Working for a better life: longitudinal evidence on the predictors of employment among recently arrived refugee migrant men living in Australia. International Migration, 53(2): 321-337.
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Dunwoodie, K., Due, C., Baker, S., Newman, A., Tran, C. (2021). Supporting (or not) the career development of culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugees in universities: Insights from Australia. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22:467-490.
Dunwoodie, K., Newman, A., Webb, S. (2017). Refugees need support to continue their careers – here’s how it can be done. The Conversation.
Eltaiba, N. (2014). Counseling with Muslim refugees: building rapport. Journal of Social Work Practice 2(4): 397-403.
Ennerberg, E. (2022). Fast track to the labour market? Experiences of learning in an active labour market policy measure for migrant teachers in Sweden. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22:429-447
Fazel, M., & Stein, A. (2003). Mental health of refugee children. British Medial Journal, 327(7404), 134.
Febria, M. (2023). Supporting immigrant and refugee youth career development, Careerwise. CERIC
Fedrigo, L., Udayar, S., Toscanelli, C., Clot-Siegrist, E., Durante, F., Masdonati, J. (2021). Young refugees’ and asylum seekers’ career choices: A qualitative investigation. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22:407-428.
Fejes, A., Chamberland, M., & Sultana, R. G. (2022). Migration, educational and career guidance and social inclusion. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22:347-361.
Fontes, L.A. (2017). Helping Refugee Children Cope. New York, NY: Psychology Today.
Fontes, L.A. (2017). Keeping Refugee Children and Teens Safe. New York, NY: Psychology Today.
Frej. W., Abdelaziz, R. (2017). I’ll Take Any Job: These Syrian Refugees Are Struggling To Find Work In America. The WorldPost.
Frigerio, G., & Nasimi, R. (2019). Who is supporting the career development of refugees? The role of grassroots organisations. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling. Vol.42:40–46.
Gallegos, D., Tilbury, F. (2006). Career Development Program for Refugee and Migrant Youth. Murdoch University.
Goopy, S., Suva, C., Hayden, K.A., Silversides, H., Palova, K.(2020). Activities and programmes that support the emotional wellness and wellbeing of refugees, immigrants and other newcomers within settlement agencies: A scoping review protocol. British Medical Journal Open. Vol.10(9):1-6.
Government of Canada (2022). Canada expands pilot to help more skilled refugees build their careers in Canada, giving employers access to a new pool of talent.
Grierson, L. (2018). Program launched to help young refugees achieve career goals. Hills Gazette.
Hao, C.I., Wahidi, S., Vasi, S., and Samuel, S. (2015). Importance of community engagement in primary health care: The case of Afghan refugees. Australian Journal of Primary Health 21(3): 262-267.
Hao, I. C., Vasi, S., Wahidi, S., and Russell, G. (2015). Rites of passage: Improving refugee access to general practice services. Australian Family Physician. 44(7): 503-507.
Henley, J., and Robinson, J. (2011). Mental health issues among refugee children and adolescents. Clinical Psychologist 15(2): 51-62.
Hertzberg, F. (2017). Review of literature, media and resources on the development of career guidance counselling for refugees. Country Report Sweden. Stockholm University.
Hewagodage, V. (2015). Hanging in the balance: when refugee learners’ naturalization depends on their acquisition of cultural knowledge and English language proficiency. PhD thesis, Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts – School of Linguistics, Adult and Specialist Education, University of Southern Queensland.
Hughes, C., and Scott, R. (2013). A career intervention for humanitarian entrant students: An example. Australian Journal of Career Development 22(3): 130-138.
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Johansson, T., & Olofsson, R. (2011). The art of becoming Swedish: Immigrant youth, school careers and life plans. Ethnicities, 11(2): 184-201.
Kamya, H. (2012). The cultural universality of narrative techniques in the creation of meaning. In B. MacKin, Newman, E., Fogler, J., & Keane, T. (Eds.). Trauma therapy in context: The science and craft of evidence based practice. (pp. 231-246). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Katawazi, M. (2018). Refugees facing delays in working and supporting families due to ‘pointless’ mistakes on work permits. The Star.
Kelly, M. (2015). Working with refugees: International Social Work Without Leaving Home. The New Social Worker.
Knappert, L., van Dijk, H., Ross, V. (2019). Refugees’ inclusion at work: A qualitative cross-level analysis. Career Development International, Vol.25(1):32–48.
Legrain, P. (2017). How to Help Refugees Get Into Work Fast. Refugees Deeply.
Legrain, P.(2016). Refugees Work: A humanitarian investment that yields economic dividends OPEN.
Li, X., Que, H. (2016). Integration and Career Challenges of Newcomer Youth in Newfoundland in Canada. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, v2, n3, p44-62.
Lipson, R. (2022). Building the new high road: Immigrants and workforce development. The project on workforce. Harvard Kennedy School.
Lumley-Sapanski A. (2021). The survival job trap: Explaining refugee employment outcomes in Chicago and the contributing factors. Journal of Refugee Studies. Vol.34(2):2093-2123.
Lundborg, P. (2013). Refugees’ Employment Integration in Sweden: Cultural Distance and Labor Market Performance. Review of International Economics, 21(2): 219-232.
Mackenzie Davey, K., Jones, C. (2019). Refugees’ narratives of career barriers and professional identity. Career Development International. Vol.25(1):49–66.
Mackenzie Davey, K., Jones, C. (2020). Refugees’ narratives of career barriers and professional identity. Career Development International, Vol. 25(1): 49-66.
Magnano, P., Zarbo, R., Zammitti, A., Sgaramella, T. M. (2022). Approaches and strategies for understanding the career development needs of migrants and refugees: The potential of a systems-based narrative approach. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22:385-405.
Magnano, P., Zarbo, R., Zammitti, A., Sgaramella, T.M. (2022). Approaches and strategies for understanding the career development needs of migrants and refugees: The potential of a systems-based narrative approach. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Vol.22(2):385-405.
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McKenna, C., and Hoban, B. (2017). Problems and solutions to the international migrant crisis. Brookings.
McMahon, M., Watson, M., & Abkhezr, P. (2019). People with refugee backgrounds: Innovating career research and practice through systems and narrative approaches. In Maree,J. (ed.), Handbook of innovative career counselling. Springer.
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Newman, A., Bimrose, J., Nielsen, I., Zacher, H. (2018). Vocational behavior of refugees: How do refugees seek employment, overcome work-related challenges, and navigate their careers? Journal of Vocational Behavior. Vol.105:1–5.
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Richardson, J., Karam, C. M., Afiouni, F. (2019). The global refugee crisis and the career ecosystem. Career Development International, Vol.25(1): 1–13.
Richardson, J., Karam, C.M., Afiouni, F. (2020). The global refugee crisis and the career ecosystem. Career Development International. Vol.25(1):1–13.
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