Corporate Social Responsibility
September 13, 2017
Insight into Impressive Practices in Career Services: A Reference Guide
October 2, 2017- Version
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- Create Date September 28, 2017
- Last Updated August 26, 2021
Topics covered include:
- Research on contemporary meanings of social enterprise
- Emerging trends and case studies on social entrepreneurship
- Careers in social enterprise
- Social enterprise and diversity
- Social enterprise and women’s empowerment
- Measuring social impact in social enterprise
Social Enterprise and Career Development
Literature Search
September 2017
Allan, B. (2005). Social enterprise through the eyes of the consumer (prepared for the National Consumer Council) economy. Social Enterprise Journal. 1(1): 5-77.
Alter, K. (2004). Social enterprise typology. Sage.
Alvord, S.H., Brown, D.L., and Letts, C.W. (2004). Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Transformation: An Exploratory Study. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 40(3): 260-282.
Anderson, H., Weissman, J., and Ling, S. (2012). Annotated Bibliography: Social Enterprise, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Economy, Social Innovation. The Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies.
Austin, J.E. (2006). Three avenues for social entrepreneurship research. In J. Mair, J. Robinson, & K. Hockerts (eds.), Social Entrepreneurship (pp. 22-33). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Austin, J., Stevenson, H. & Wei-0Skillern, J. (2006). Social and Commercial entrepreneurship: Same, different, or both? Entrepreneurship theory and practice. 30, 1: 1-22.
Bartlett, L. (2005). An exploration of contemporary meanings of social enterprises. The Australian Institute for Social Entrepreneurship.
Belizaire, K. (2013). Universities begin to unlock the potential of social enterprise. The Guardian.
Bornstein, D. (2007). How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas (Updated Edition). New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
Borzaga, C., & Defourny, J. eds. (2001). The Emergence of Social Enterprise. Routledge.
Brakeman Reiser, D., and Dean, S.A. (2017). Social Enterprise Law. Oxford University Press.
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Brooks, A. (2009). Social Entrepreneurship: A Modern Approach to Social Value Creation. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Bull, M. (2008). Challenging tensions: Critical, theoretical and empirical perspectives on social enterprise. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 14, 5:268-75.
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Dart, R. (2004). The legitimacy of social enterprise. Non-profit Management and Leadership, 14, 4:411-24.
Dees, J.G. (2007). Taking social entrepreneurship seriously. Society, 44, 3: 24-31.
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Fawcett, B. & South, J. (2005). Community involvement and primary care trusts: The case for social entrepreneurship. Critical Public Health, 15, 2: 191-204
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Galvin, M.D., Iannotti, L. (2015). Social Enterprise and Development: The KickStart Model. Voluntas: International Journal of Volunteer and Non-Profit Organizations , Volume 26 Issue 2, pp. 421-441.
Gordis, Y. (2009 ). On the value and values of Jewish social entrepreneurship. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 84, 1-2: 37-44.
Hathaway, C. (2016). Career Conversation: Careers in Social Enterprise. Northeastern University.
Haugh, H. (2005). A research agenda for social entrepreneurship. Social Enterprise Journal, 1,1: 1-12.
Hemmingway, C.A. (2005 ). Personal values as a catalyst for corporate social entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Ethics. 60, 3: 233-49.
Irani, Z., & Tony, E. (2008 ). Creating social entrepreneurship in local government. European Journal of Information Systems, 17, 4: 336-42.
Jones, J.A. (2013). Social Enterprise: Making the Choice Between For-Profit and Non-Profit. New York Times.
Kasturi Rangan, V., Leonard, H.B., & McDonald, S. (2008). The future of social enterprise. Harvard Business School Working Paper.
Kell, K. (2012). Social Enterprise Movement Goes International. Hartford Courant.
Kerlin, J.A. (Ed.). (2009). Social Enterprise: a Global Comparison. University Press of New England.
Korosec, R.L. & Berman, E.M. (2006). Municipal support for social entrepreneurship. Public Administration Review, 66, 3: 448-62.
Light, P.C. (2008). The Search for Social Entrepreneurship. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
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Maher, C. (2017). Career anchors of social enterprise managers in the UK – an empirical analysis. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development Volume 9, Issue 4.
Maibom, C., Smith, P. (2016). Symbiosis across institutional logics in a social enterprise. Social Enterprise Journal.
Mair, J., & Marti, I. (2006 ). Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation, prediction, and delight. Journal of World Business, 41, 1:36-44.
Martin, F. & Thompson, M. (2010). Social Enterprise: Developing Sustainable Businesses. Palgrave Macmillan.
Martin, R., & Osberg, S. (2007). Social entrepreneurship: The case for definition. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring: 29-39.
Mauksch, S., Dey, P., Rowe, M., Teasdale, S., (2017). Ethnographies of social enterprise. Social Enterprise Journal. Vol. 13 Issue: 02, pp. 114-127.
Nicholls, A. (2008). Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change. Oxford Press.
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Nyssens, M. (2006). Social Enterprise: at the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society. Routledge.
Osberg, S.R. and Martin, R.L. (2015). Two Keys to Sustainable Social Enterprise. Harvard Business Review.
Pearce, J. (2003). Social Enterprise in Anytown. Calouste Gulkbenkian Foundation.
Peattie, K., & Morley, A. (2008). Social enterprises: Diversity and Dynamics, Contexts and Contributions. Cardiff: BRASS.
Peredo, A.M., & McLean, M. (2006). Social entrepreneurship: A critical review of the concept. Journal of World Business, 41, 1: 56-65.
Ridley-Duff, R., & Bull, M. (2011). Understanding Social Enterprise: Theory and Practice. Sage.
Ryzin, G.G.V., Grossman, S., DiPadova-Stocks, L., & Bergrud, E. (2009). Portrait of the social entrepreneur: Statistical evidence from a US Panel. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 20, 2: 129-40.
Savaya, R., Packer, P., Stange, D., & Namir, O. (2008). Social entrepreneurship: Capacity building among workers in public human service agencies. Administration in Social Work, 32, 4: 65-86.
Smith Milway, K. (2014). How Social Entrepreneurs Can Have the Most Impact. Harvard Business Review.
Stagis, J. (2013). Women in Networking to Host Talk on Social Enterprise. Hartford Courant.
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Trivedi, C. (2010). A Social Entrepreneurship Bibliography. Gettysburg College.
Weaver, R.L. (2016 ). Social enterprise self-employment programs: A two-dimensional human capital investment strategy. Social Enterprise Journal.
Wei-Skillern, J.C., Austin, J.E., Leonard, H.B., & Stevenson, H.H. (2007). Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication.
Willett, M. (2013). Ten Social Enterprise Challenge Finalists. Hartford Courant.
Wry, T., York, J.G. (2015). The Recognition and Development of Social Enterprise Opportunities: An Identity Based Approach. SSRN.
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