Job Satisfaction and Career Development
April 6, 2019
Accessibility and Universal Design in Career Transitions Programming and Services
May 6, 2019- Version
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- Create Date May 5, 2019
- Last Updated August 26, 2021
Topics covered include:
- Global recruiting trends,
- Enhancing the employability of students,
- Trends in employee development and talent management,
- Trends in career pathing models,
- Hot jobs of the future,
- Changing job search practices,
- New trends in career theory development
Literature Search
Trends in Career Development
Updated May 2019
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Beckett, S. (2016). New Trends in Career Development. HRSG.
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Duggan, D. (2015). 10 Global Trends that are Killing Your Career.
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McMahon, M. (2014). New Trends in Theory Development in Career Psychology. Springer.
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Nemko, M. (2014). The Biggest Workplace and Career Predictions for 2015. Time.
Neukrup, E. (2015). Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: an Introduction. Nelson Education, Nov. 9, 2015 – Education – 416 pages.
Nguyen, J. (2018). 6 Talent Management Trends for 2018. Oracle HCM Blog.
Oglethorpe, A. (2019). Three Trends Changing the Face of Career Development in Organisations. Career Conversations.
Pang, H., Lam, M., Tororek, R.L. (2013). Trends in Career Counseling in Higher Education: Voices of Career Practitioners in Australia and the United States. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 4, p. 12
Pickerell, D. (2014). What’s Trending in Career Development? ContactPoint.
Pollak, L. (2016). The Old Career Path is a Dead End. Here’s What’s Taking Its Place in 2016. Kallop.
Poniatowicz, T. (2019). Top 3 Development Trends in 2019. Tomek Poniatowicz.
Razzetti, G. (2018). 5 Steps to Reigniting Career Development for Today’s Workforce. TLNT
Reader, C. (2016). 2016 Trends: People and Culture. Lewis.
Rhudy, R.J. (2015). Engaging Conflict for Fun and Profit: Current and Emerging Trends in Conflict Resolution. Part 1 – Field Findings on Career Trends. Association for Conflict Resolution.
Rodionova, Z. (2016). 5 job trends to watch in 2016, according to Glassdoor. Independent.
Schawbel, D. (2016). 10 Workplace Trends You’ll See in 2016. Forbes/
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Shemer Haim, L. (2018). Can you reinvent career development by using analytics. Littal Shemer Haim.
SiliconIndia, (2016). Here’s How You Can Make the Most of Career Trends in 2016. SiliconIndia
Skilbeck, R. (2019). Top 5 Talent Trends for 2019. Forbes.
Snider, S. (2016). 7 Workplace and Employment Trends to Anticipate in 2016. Career Blog.
Struwing, L. (2015). Trends and Innovations in Career Development. Career Professionals of Canada, CPC
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Taylor, D. (2015). Job Search Intelligence for 2016. StartWire for Employers.
Thomas, S. (2016). 2016 Hottest Jobs, Highest Paying Companies and Fastest Growing Industries. Huffpost Business.
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Watson, M., Nota, L., McMahon, M. (2015). Child career development: present and future trends. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
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Williams, C. (2013). The Landscape of the 21st Century Workplace: Emerging Trends You Need to Know as a Career Development Professional. NCDA.
Willyerd, K., Mistick, B. (2016). These 7 Trends Will Shape Your Professional Future. Fortune.
Winter, J. (2013). Latest Trends in Careers and CPD. Career Innovation.
Witt, D. (2019). 2019 Learning & Development Trends – 10 Expert Predictions. Forbes.
Yang, J., Li, L., Masannat, J. (2014). What are the Latest Trends in Career Pathing Models as Well as the Most Effective Ways to Accelerate High Potential Development. Cornell University ILR School.
Zimmerman, E. (2016). 7 Trends that will Impact Who Finds a Job in 2016. Iveyexec.
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