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September 1, 2008Publications + Products
September 1, 2008By Robert Manolson
“The term ‘career’ is a continuous process of lifelong learning, growth and development in all aspects of our life, whether it’s paid and unpaid work, learning, and the range of roles we undertake in our life. ‘Careers’ involve the balance of work experiences, family, community involvement, interests and hobbies, training and education and more, much more.”
“The term ‘career’ is a life-management concept encompassing a full range of our life experiences. Therefore, each and every one of us already has a ‘career’ and as we add experiences to our toolbox of life, we are literally building our career path.”
In the role of Career Counsellor, I meet both youth and their parents in their homes. This is a special time for everyone involved. It’s a moment for the family unit to come together, reconnect, share perspectives, and listen with an open mind. Common questions center around whether to work after high school or continue with post secondary education, what career to pursue and which post-secondary program to apply to, which programs will be most useful, which job to apply for, and more.
Attention Parents! The career journey is not about one big decision regarding which program to take, which school to attend, or which occupation to choose. Remind your teens that who they are, knowing themselves, following a path that honours their interests, values, beliefs and passions in life is much bigger than any job or occupation.
Then simply trust in the process, and keep on learning. Take risks. Commit to not settling and enjoy all of life’s experiences. Take the leap wherever it leads, and find the courage to persevere in the face of fear, self-doubt and uncertainty. Go after what you love doing, believe in yourself, and the money will come.
Robert Manolson, Certified Career Development Professional, and member of the Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) supports his association’s ongoing initiative for “common career language” in Alberta and across Canada. “Considerable differences in the use of common career language have in the past resulted in confusion related to the interpretation and delivery of career development services.”
Robert believes that it is essential for today’s youth to be leaders in getting the word out on the street that ‘career’ is no longer traditionally associated with just paid employment.
Robert Manolson is self employed as a Certified Career Counsellor, and provides one-to-one services for both youth and adults. He is also the Creator & Facilitator of Powerful Play Experiences. He facilitates organizations in Workplace Fun & Wellness Workshops, and believes that each day and every day we must re-energize and ignite our spirit within through the power of play. Robert can be reached at