New issue of CJCD: Women’s career decision-making after brain injury and more
July 10, 2012Virtual Cannexus: Take advantage of new pricing
July 24, 2012CERIC is partnering with the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Career Practitioners (NLACP) to offer a half-day Career Development Mini-Forum on September 15 in St. John’s.
In keeping with the mission and vision of NLACP, the Mini-Forum will provide information sharing and networking to career development practitioners in Newfoundland and Labrador to allow them to provide the best possible career and employment services.
Gary Summers will deliver a keynote address on Stress Management. Break-out sessions will focus on strategies for working with Aboriginal People, People with Disabilities and Youth. There will also be a presentation from CERIC.
Delegates who register by August 17 can benefit from early bird rates of $99 for NLACP members and $129 for non-members.
CERIC is partnering with select associations and organizations across Canada to present a series of half-day professional development events in fall 2012. Mini-Forums are intended to engage career practitioners in the communities where they work and provide valuable, cost-effective learning opportunities.
For more information on the Mini-Forum in St. John’s or to register, please view the NLACP Mini-Forum flyer or visit the NLACP web site at