Hiring in the Cloud: How One Non-Profit Uses Technology to Hire in the Digital Age
June 25, 2013
The Job Search Cookbook: A Recipe for Strategic Job Search Management
June 25, 2013Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) / Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM)
This bilingual association offers a diverse and comprehensive array of resources in the field on mental health, from fact sheets to policy papers to research reports.
The Mindful Employer
This initiative is aimed at increasing awareness of mental health at work and providing support for businesses in recruiting and retaining staff.
The Mental Health Commission of Canada / La Commission de la santé mentale du Canada
All the MHCC publications can be accessed from their website, including the recent National Standard of Canada for psychological health and safety in the workplace.
Mental Health Works! / La santé mentale au travail!
This nationally available program of the CMHA builds capacity within Canadian workplaces to effectively address the many issues related to mental health in the workplace.
Charting the Course
The goal of this project is to identify how career practitioners can best assist clients with mental health issues in their job search and career planning journey.
Workplace Strategies for Mental Health / Stratégies en milieu de travail sur la santé mentale
The website of the Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace provides employers with a variety of free public resources including information, strategies, tools and initiatives.