Employment Support for Young Clients with Criminal Records
June 8, 2016
Understanding Youth Underemployment
June 8, 2016Canada Careers and Jobs Finder
A web portal and job matching tool that filters jobs according to education and interest and allows the user to apply for certain jobs directly.
Raise Your Flag
A career exploration tool designed to connect youth to meaningful careers that do not require a post-secondary education.
Youth Career Initiative
An international program that provides at-risk and disadvantaged youth between the ages of 18-21 with employment opportunities globally.
A project out of Ryerson University, Magnet was initially launched to assist with post-secondary recruitment and uses job-matching technology to match employers and jobseekers.
Career Decision-making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ)
This site features free career assessments, guidance about career decision-making and advice for career professionals.
International Experience Canada (IEC)
Government of Canada program for Canadian and foreign youth between the ages of 18 to 35 seeking work abroad in the form of a working holiday, international co-op internship or as a young professional.