What’s New
There have been many changes to the Contact Point site since the previous issue of the Bulletin was released. In fact, new information is added weekly to the site.
We have been adding new agency and organizational listings to our on-line Registry. This is a sure to be a staple for on-line networking and referrals. Are you listed?
Visit the Professional Development section at Contact Point, and you will find more PD opportunities, including a Workshop Calandar, Courses and Programs at the College and University level, and additional Conferences.
We have added new links to our Other Websites section. Don’t forget to check out the links in our Fun Sites section, including a greeting card sender, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, an on-line employment search readiness inventory and an on-line career game based on Holland Codes.
We have added new Discussion Group topics and hope you will actively participate in them. If you would like to initiate a discussion group, let us know.
…and of course, we have launched this Fall Edition of the newsletter.
Visit the Website News section of the Contact Point site, and stay abreast of changes as they happen.