What’s New
May 8, 2018What’s New
May 8, 2018
Launched at the National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) Conference in January 1997, Contact Point, funded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, is the first Canadian site dedicated to providing on-line information to counsellors and practitioners across the country a significant departure from sites that cater to the needs of the general public. A multi-sector approach makes Contact Point that much more unique in the Canadian on-line arena, with a board of directors comprised of counsellors and practitioners from both institutional and non-institutional settings, including professionals in the private, government and not-for-profit sectors. Contact Point relies wholly on private-sector funding for its development and operation. Our commitment remains to provide site access to users at no cost. It’s free!
Contact Point aims to:
- promote and support the effective delivery of career and employment counselling and the career development process
- encourage and support the dissemination of career and employment counselling information
- foster the development of an interactive and mutually supportive virtual community of career and employment counsellors and career development practitioners
- enhance community awareness of career development issues
Contact Point fosters the development of a Canadian multi-sector community on the Internet, examining common resource and professional development needs and providing a space for intra-community interaction, whether it be among counsellors/practitioners or between representative organizations.
How can you get involved?
The Contact Point site is the result of the participation of counsellors and practitioners from across Canada, doing everything from providing input on content to participating in the site’s formative testing. They continue to build the site daily.
You too can participate by suggesting items for the Resource Centre; telling us about sites you’ve encountered during your Web adventures; listing conferences or courses; sharing your course or workshop experiences; participating in one of the sites on-going development focus groups; initiating and participating in a discussion group; submitting an article for the Bulletin the list is virtually endless!