The Spring-Summer Issue of Careering looks at diversity and pluralism
June 11, 2018Research to identify competencies that settlement services workers need to support newcomers in pursuing meaningful careers
June 12, 2018By Lucie Morillon
There’s no doubt that Canada is a diverse country, in its landscapes but also, and more importantly, in its people. More than 20% of Canada’s 35 million people were born outside this country, helping to make it one of the world’s most socially diverse societies, according to the Global Centre for Pluralism.
Diversity and pluralism are also the themes of this issue and we’re approaching these timely subjects from a range of perspectives.
First, Michaela Burton, Natalie Geiger and Mahadeo Sukhai examine what inclusive programming in post-secondary career education looks like. They show how career educators can use universal design to better meet the needs of students with diverse abilities and from varied cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
As well, Ron Wener from the University of Toronto-Mississauga Career Centre gives us a profoundly personal view of inclusion as he recounts his powerful experience participating in the KAIROS Blanket Exercise at the Cannexus National Career Development Conference this past winter. Read how he’s building on what he’s learned about reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Brien K. Convery of RBC points out how diversity matters when it comes to both LGBTQ employees and jobseekers. The fact that 13% of the Canadian population belongs to the LGBTQ community highlights an opportunity for employers to embrace LGBTQ candidates and benefit from their talents.
We’re also introducing our new Case Study feature, in which a career professional describes real-life solutions to a common challenge. In this issue, award-winning resume writer Natalie MacLellan looks at the unique challenges faced by people, particularly mothers, who are returning to work after a significant time away.
And in 10 Questions, read what Dr Deborah Saucier, President of MacEwan University, has to say about the importance of career development (and what superpower she’d like to have. Hint: it’s something that would also come in handy for most busy career professionals).
On a personal note, I have absorbed the many career development lessons and strategies we’ve published in Careering and, after two years, have decided to head into a new career direction myself. My thanks to you for reading and for continuing to share your expertise within the pages of this magazine.