Graduate students apply by March 31 to compete for GSEP Award
February 5, 2020
CERIC survey results offer snapshot of the state of career development in Canada
February 10, 2020This Winter 2020 issue of Careering magazine offers a crash course in many of the ethical dilemmas career professionals face today – what they are, the questions they raise and how to navigate them. Articles highlight the ethical codes available to career professionals, explore the implications of technology and look at ethics related to specific client populations, including newcomers, K-12 students and LGBTQ2+ jobseekers.
Articles in this issue:
- How to engage in ethical advocacy work in career development, by Andrew Bassingthwaighte
- Ethical considerations of internet usage: A career guidance perspective, by Tom Staunton
- Ethics in practice: A dynamic process in an era of career development professionalization, by Cassie Taylor and Roberta Neault
…and much more, including:
- 10 Questions for the Fogo Island Inn’s Zita Cobb
- Career Briefs
- Career development and mental health: How can I practise ethically?
- Client Side: Wading through grief and rediscovering my career passion
- Infographic CERIC 2019 Survey of Career Service Professionals
- Principles in Action: Environmental supports key to students’ self-directed career success
- Understanding ethical risk for co-op practitioners
And these online exclusives:
- Beyond binarism: Countering gender identity discrimination in the workplace
- Can overworked school counsellors ethically meet student needs?
- Career successes and challenges of immigrant professionals in Canada
- Case Study: Job-shadowing program helps LGBTQ2+ students navigate workplace concerns
- Developing an ethical practice-checker to guide daily decisions
- How technology can support career professionals in addressing social justice issues
- Modern ethical dilemmas for career professionals
- Never been more needed: A new competency framework for career professionals
- Why career practitioners should also be critical adult educators
Careering magazine is Canada’s Magazine for Career Development Professionals and is the official publication of CERIC. It is published three times a year both in print and as an emagazine, including select content in French. Subscribe to receive your free copy. You can also access past issues for free online.
The next issue of Careering will be on the theme of “Rural Workforce Development” and will be a collaboration with the US-based National Career Development Association. Send your article pitches to Editor Lindsay Purchase, lindsay@ceric.ca, by Feb. 14.