Nominate a career development leader for the Etta St. John Wileman Award by June 30
April 26, 2021
CERIC’s Retain and Gain Playbook helps to grow an inclusive public sector workforce
May 26, 2021CERIC is offering a free webinar – A Conversation with Dr. Kris Magnusson on Working With – and Around – Emotions in Career Helping – on Tuesday, June 8, 2021. It comes as a follow up to his popular keynote earlier this year at Cannexus21, Canada’s Career Development Conference where he will further explore the dynamic interplay between feeling, thinking and doing and how career practitioners can intentionally use these processes to improve results for clients.
This webinar will be of interest to those working in career advising, employment services and guidance counselling. Others in the broader career development system including educators and policymakers will also benefit. Whether or not you were one of our 2,300 attendees at Cannexus, all are welcome to this free online event.
Dr. Magnusson will continue to discuss how the traditional view on career helping and career counselling as a cognitive process has been dominating funders’ perspective on career services provision. And, he will address how service providers can recognize the powerful role of emotions in helping clients navigate increasingly complex and unique career challenges.
You can watch (or rewatch) his Cannexus keynote and Q&A with Tony Botelho, Director, Career & Volunteer Services at Simon Fraser University in advance.
Dr. Magnusson recently completed two terms as Dean of the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, and in 2019 returned to faculty life as a Professor. Magnusson’s academic work is in the area of counselling psychology and career development. He was the recipient of the Province of Alberta Career Development Award of Excellence and the 2006 recipient of the Stu Conger Award for Leadership in Career Development. He is also a co-founder of the Canadian Research Working Group for Evidence-based Practice.
Learn more about this webinar and register today.