‘Inspiring’ and ‘transformative’: Cannexus25 united career professionals to lead in a new era
February 6, 2025Beyond “Test and Tell:” A Fresh Approach to Assessment in Career Development Practice
February 11, 2025The Winter 2025 edition of the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) has just been released, exploring the development of a digital self-help tool for people seeking information for educational and vocational guidance, understanding the influencers on international students’ career development and emotional intelligence and career wellbeing.
- Development of a Digital Self-help Tool for People Seeking Information (LMI) for Educational and Vocational Guidance in the Field of Eucational and Vocational Guidance, (Abstract in English, full article in French) Annie Gourde, Michel Turcotte, Liette Goyer
Global Ambitions, Local Support. Understanding Faculty Influence on International Students’ Career Development, Christina Page, Candy Ho
An Axe and a Handshake – A Scoping Review of the Transition from Public Safety Occupations, Marilyn Cox, Heidi Cramm
Emotional Intelligence and Career Wellbeing, Charles P. Chen
Career Development Practices: What Theories and Models Have to Offer, Nancy Arthur, Roberta Borgen, Mary McMahon
Assessing the Fidelity of STEM Professional Identity Statuses using Cut-Off Scores for Small Populations, Michelle Head, Sarah Wilson
Career Prospects for Human Resource Management Professionals in Portugal, Vitor Gomes, Maria Santos
CJCD is a peer-reviewed publication of multi-sectoral career-related academic research and best practices from Canada and around the world. Submissions are open to articles that are Canadian and international in scope and deal with career development in its broadest sense. In addition to peer-reviewed Articles on completed research from faculty and graduate students, publication categories also include Research-In-Motion, Graduate Student Research Briefs, Practitioners & Community Best Practices and Book Reviews.
The journal is a partnership between CERIC and Memorial University of Newfoundland with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. CJCD continues to publish twice a year in a digital format. It is free to subscribe and all issues of the open-access journal dating back to 2002 are available online.