The importance of understanding cultural and familial influences on career development: Through a Chinese-Canadian’s experience

By Danni Lei (Cannexus14 GSEP Award Winner) Canada is well known throughout the world as a country of multiculturalism with a diverse population. Within the counselling context, it is important to explore and understand an individual’s unique cultural influences. A cultural lens is important for understanding people’s career development, including career planning and decision-making. Within an economically and status…


Summer 2010

A Quarterly Publication of ContactPoint This Issue: Assessments and Testing Choosing an Assessment Tool: Which One to Use? – G. Fermo How Young People Benefit from Assessments and Tests – S. Warnasuriya Best Practices in Assessment Interpretation – J. Mackey Tools and Techniques – J. Thomas Personality Dimensions and the Administrative Professional: A Flexible Tool…


Experiential career counselling: A holistic approach to working with clients in transition

Discussing clients’ experiences, values, way of being and future possibilities can help deepen activate and deepen their awareness and perspective Britt-Mari Sykes In my career counselling practice, informal assessment strategies play a vital role in understanding what a client is experiencing, in discovering possible next steps and in harnessing personal agency. Addressing the whole person…


Toolkit showcases 10 ways employers can partner with career professionals to address talent needs

Today’s tight labour market requires new approaches and flexibility to attract talent with shifting jobseeker and employee expectations. A new toolkit from CERIC highlights 10 ways that career development professionals (CDPs) can partner with employers to meet their recruitment, retention and training needs. The toolkit was created by the CDPs who work with employers every…


The Canadian Forces Is All About Diversity

By Josephine Hendricks Overcoming lack of awareness of career and education options in the Army, Navy and Air Force The Canadian Forces Recruiting Group Headquarters (CFRG HQ) is all about diversity. Putting words into action, diversity at CFRG HQ is approached in a number of ways: First, is the building of meaningful relationships with community…


Announcing Fall Webinars: Indigenous career development, unconscious bias, refugee integration and much more

CERIC, along with its partner associations, will be offering a variety of webinar series in the next few months to support the career development community on a range of timely topics. Take a look at our comprehensive list – and take advantage of the Zoom AI-generated live captions available in multiple languages, including English and French…