Infusing Career Development into K – 12 Curriculum

Topics covered in the literature search include: Career exploration and guidance for elementary students Career education and integration in the K-12 system Parental involvement in student career planning Career planning and management for students with disabilities Career counselling programs for Indigenous school communities Benefits of career counselling programs for students K-12 career competency building and…


Workforce Development

Topics covered in the literature search include: Strategies and practices in workforce development STEM required to building the future workforce Labour market trends and workforce development policies Specific populations (e.g., youth, veterans, immigrants) and workforce development Workforce development in relation to career development Rural workforce development Employer and government involvement in workforce development Workforce Development…


Career Development Theory and Career Management Models

Updated March 2017 Career Development Theory and Career Management Models 158.48 KB 1 file(s) Topics covered include: Chaos theory Holland's theory of vocational decisions Career construction Cognitive information processing Super's career development stages Career metaphors Happenstance Amundson, N.E., (2005). The potential impact of global changes in work for career theory and practice. International Journal for…

CERIC guide will address impact of career development practice on client mental health

CERIC will publish a book in the new year that makes the case that career development practice is a mental health intervention, and provides skills and strategies to support career development practitioners in their work. Written by Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston, Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide explores how practitioners…


Creating a Lifelong Career Development Model

Project Partner: Career Trek, University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg Languages: English and French COMPLETE Understanding and promoting career exploration for children and youth has generally relied upon transmitting knowledge to students for future consideration rather than investigating children’s perspectives on career exploration and how these change as they develop. This study, undertaken by…
Celebrating 20 years crest around the CERIC logo - celebrons 20 ans CERIC

CERIC celebrates 20 years of Advancing Career Development in Canada

In 2024, CERIC is marking 20 years as a national charitable organization, advancing the field of career development in Canada. We have worked over that time to support diverse communities of career and employment professionals through education, research and advocacy.   During the course of the coming year, we will be highlighting our history, our impacts,…


Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: Guide launches today

In the wake of a global mental health movement, career development practitioners now have a new resource to help them understand how career development interventions support positive mental health. Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide – written by Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston of Life-Role Development Group Ltd. and published by…