This project, co-funded by SSHRC and CERIC, was implemented in partnership with the Service d’Orientation et d’Intégration des Immigrants au Travail (SOIT) and the Centre Louis-Jolliet, both located in Quebec City. Led by Marcelline Bengaly, Professor at Laval University, this project aims to improve the delivery of counselling services to immigrants. This research will help to inform policy decisions related to the improvement of services offered to immigrants. Results from different studies will allow to better address the needs of this population and to sustainably integrate immigrants into jobs that they consider decent, and which fully contribute to the fulfilment of their needs and fundamental life choices. During its development, the research team became interested in questions specific to the situation of refugees with low levels of education. The work relating to this second part of the project has led to the writing of a guide – to be published in fall 2023 – intended for those working with refugees with low levels of education and for those in training at universities. The objective is to better understand the specifics of guidance and of socio-professional integration support for this clientele and to propose an intercultural perspective as well as avenues for reflection and action. The project will end with the organization of different knowledge transfer activities.

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