How can career development practitioners strengthen theory-practice connections? Career practitioners need to be equipped with the latest theories and models in the field. It is also important for practitioners to make informed choices about the approaches and strategies they use in practice. The aim of this project is to provide practitioners with foundational principles for theory-informed career practice.
Based on an analysis of the practice points in the 43 chapters of Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice, the chapters outline core foundational principles that every career practitioner can use and apply in their practice. The project will offer practitioners a “go-to” guide that helps them to trace practice ideas back to the theories and models from where they were derived.
The project is led by Dr. Nancy Arthur from the University of South Australia (formerly University of Calgary), in collaboration with Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault), Life Strategies and Dr. Mary McMahon, the University of Queensland (Australia).
The objectives of the project are:
- To update career practitioners about foundational practice principles derived from contemporary theories and models of career development and career management;
- To provide practitioners with a resource they can use to build upon and enhance their approaches to career interventions; and
- To provide practitioners with a new resource they can add to their toolkit or use as a companion manual to accompany Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice.
Details of the book:
- Includes 10 co-authored chapters that illuminate connections between foundational practice principles and the theories and models from which they were derived.
- The introductory chapter describes the importance of theory-practice connections for contemporary career practice and outlines the methodology used to derive the practice principles.
- Eight chapters are devoted to detailed descriptions of eight foundational practice principles.
- Examples of practice points from the 43 chapters of Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice are interspersed throughout the eight chapters.
- The final chapter integrates key discoveries and future considerations for improving theory-practice connections.
- In addition to serving new and seasoned practitioners, the book is anticipated to be used as a supplementary text for undergraduate and graduate courses focused on career counselling.
- Podcasts will be developed to accompany the chapters.
- Launching at Cannexus24, Canada’s largest bilingual Career Development Conference, including a workshop by the authors.
Book now available!
Knowledge Champions
Knowledge Champions consist of a select number of organizations supporting the development and dissemination of this book. Our special thanks to the following Knowledge Champions for their leadership: