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March 6, 2015Ethical Issues in Career Development
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Indigenous Issues in Career Development and Career Counselling
Topics covered include:
- Demographic issues,
- Isolated communities,
- Access to higher education,
- Aboriginal workforce development,
- Indigenous entrepreneurship,
- and more.
Aboriginal Issues in Career Development/Counselling
(Updated March 2017)
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. (2011). 2011-2012 Report on Plans and Priorities: Demographic Description.
Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat. (2007). Aboriginal Access to Post-Secondary Education in New Brunswick. Fredericton: Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat.
Aboriginal Human Resource Council, (2008). National Aboriginal Career Development Dialogue. Summary Report.
Aboriginal Strategic Committee, (2008). Community Futures British Columbia Aboriginal Engagement Toolkit. Community Futures, British Columbia.
Aboriginal Workforce Development Initiative (2011). Aboriginal Workforce Development Initiative NB Strategic Plan 2011 – 2015. Aboriginal Workforce Development Initiative.
Academica (2016). How indigenization can support students while honouring reconciliation. Academica Forum.
ACCI (Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) (2005). Employing Indigenous Australians: Indigenous Employment Strategy Framework for Industry. Canberra: ACCI.
Altamirano-Jimenez, I. (2004). “ North American First Peoples: Slipping Up into Market Citizenship.” Citizenship Studies Vol. 8, No. 4: 349-365.
Altman, J., Biddle, N., & Hunter, B. (2009). Prospects for ‘closing the gap’ in socioeconomic outcomes for Indigenous Australians? Australian Economic History Review 49(3): 225-251.
Anderson, R.B., MacAulay, S.W., Kayseas, B. & Hindle, K.G. (2008 ). Indigenous Communities, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development in the New Economy. In Non-market Entrepreneurship: Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 89-123). Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, Mass: Elgar.
Anderson, R., Dana, L., & Dana, T. (2006). Indigenous land rights, entrepreneurship, and economic development in Canada: “opting-in” to the global economy. Journal of World Business, 41(1), 45-55.
Archibald Q’um Q’um Xiiem, J. & Hare J. (2016 ). Indigenizing Education in Canada. RCAP.
Arthur, N., & Collins, S. (Eds.). (2005). Culture-infused counselling: Celebrating the Canadian mosaic. Calgary, AB: Counselling Concepts.
Assembly of First Nations. It’s our time: a call to action on education: a year in review, 2010-2011. Assembly of First Nations, (2011), 18p.
Assembly of First Nations. “ Numbers – turns out you can’t always count on ‘em!” Assembly of First Nations.
Athabasca Tribal Council. (2007). 2006 Labour Market Analysis. Prepared for Sustainable Employment Committee, APCA. Fort McMurray, Alberta.
Bartleman, J. (2011). As Long as the Rivers Flow. Toronto: A.A. Knopf Canada.
Battiste, M., George, N., & Anuik, J. (2008). Nourishing the Learning Spirit: A Review of Literature and Promising Practices. Canadian Council on Learning.
Battiste, M., McLean, S. (2005). State of First Nations Learning: Background Paper for the National Dialogue on Aboriginal Learning. Canadian Council on Learning (CCL).
Battiste, M. (2005). You can’t be the global doctor if you’re the colonial disease. Endangered Indigenous knowledge: Global concerns. In P. Tripp & Muzzin, L. (Eds.), Teaching as activism: Equity meets environmentalism. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 121-133.
BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres. (2011). Advancing the Aboriginal Non-Profit Workforce. Report for the 1st Indigenous HR Gathering. BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres.
BC Centre for Employment Excellence. (2012). State of Practice: Essential Skills Applications with First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada. Canadian Career Development Foundation.
BC Stats (2005). Aboriginal Peoples in BC: Improving their Labour Market Opportunities. Victoria, BC: BC Stats.
Bear Spirit Consulting. (2007). The Consultation on Improving Post Secondary Outcomes for First Nations and Métis Students in Southern Manitoba. Winnipeg: Planning Committee for the Consultation on Improving Post-Secondary Outcomes for First Nations and Métis Students in Southern Manitoba.
Bell, S. (2009). “Aboriginal Post-Secondary Funding at Risk.” Slave River Journal.
Bell, D. (2004). Sharing Our Success: Ten Case Studies in Aboriginal Schooling. Kelowna, BC: Society for the Advancement of Excellence in Education.
Biddle, N. (2010). Proximity to labour markets: revisiting Indigenous employment through an analysis of Census place of work data. Australian Journal of Labour Economics 13(2): 75-89.
Biddle, N. (2006 ). Does it pay for indigenous youth to go to school?: Variation in the predicted economic benefits of high school. Australian Journal of Labour Economics 9(2): 173-199.
Biswal, B., (2008). Literacy performance of working-age aboriginal people in Canada: Findings based on the International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey (IALLS) 2003. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.
Black, D.G. (December 10, 2012). Jim Sinclair’s long crusade was for Aboriginal rights. The Globe and Mail.
Blue, A., & Darou, W. (2005). Counselling First Nations Peoples. In N. Arthur & S. Collins (Eds.), Culture infused counselling: Celebrating the Canadian mosaic (pp. 303-330). Calgary, AB: Counselling Concepts.
Brant-Castellano, M. (2004). Ethics of Aboriginal Research. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 98-114.
Britten, L., Borgen, W., Wiggins, M. (2011). Colourful Footprints Along The Career Journey: Voices of Indigenous and Immigrant Youth on the Transition Between School and Career. 2011 Las Vegas International Academic Conference.
Brown, C., & Lavish, L.A. (2006). Career assessment with Native Americans: Role salience and career decision-making self-efficacy. Journal of Career Assessment, 14(1), 166-129.
Bruce, D., and Marlin, A. (2012). Literature Review on Factors Affecting the Transition of Aboriginal Youth from School to Work. CMEC.
Bruce, D., Marlin, A., and Doucette, M.B. (2010). The Atlantic Aboriginal Post-Secondary Labour Force. Atlantic Policy Congress.
Bruce, D., Merrill, S., and Marlin, A. (2010). Considerations for Successful Transitions between Postsecondary Education and the Labour Market for Aboriginal Youth in Canada. Rural and Small Town Programme: Mount Allison University. Funded by Council or Ministers of Education Canada.
Burgess, J., Dyer, S. (2009). “ Workplace mentoring for indigenous Australians: a case study”. Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 28 Iss. 6, pp. 465-485.
Cadwallader, T. (2004). Hwunitum and Hwulmuhw or my experiences in an organizational change project. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 28, 92-101.
Canadian Council on learning. (2007). Redefining How Success is Measured in First Nations, Inuit and Métis Learning. Ottawa: CCL.
Canadian Council on Learning. (2007a). “ The Cultural Divide in Science Education for Aboriginal Learners.” Lessons in Learning.
Canadian Council on Learning (2007b). “ CCL unveils new models to guide Aboriginal lifelong learning.” Newsroom.
Canadian Council on Learning. (2006a). What Are the Factors that Facilitate and Impede Post-Secondary Access and Participation of Aboriginal Students? Ottawa: Canadian Council on Learning.
Canadian Council on Learning. (2006b). What Factors Facilitate Aboriginal Post-secondary Success? Ottawa: Canadian Council on Learning.
Cappon, P. (2008). Measuring Success in First Nations, Inuit and Métis Learning.
Cappon, P. (2008). First Nations Holistic Lifelong Learning Model. P. 63.
Carrière, K. (2011). Timmins Aboriginal Services and Programs Gap Analysis: Final Report and Recommendations. Timmins Economic development Corporation.
Carter, T., Polevychok, C. (2004). Literature Review on Issues and Needs of Aboriginal People. Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
Caverley, N. (2008). What Works: Effective Policies and Programs for Aboriginal Peoples of Canada. Turtle Island Consulting Services Inc.
Chaves, A.P., Diemer, M.A., Blustein, D.L., DeVoy, J.E., Casares, M.T. & Perry, J.C. (2004). Conceptions of work: The view from urban youth. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51(3), 275-286.
Chiefs of Ontario. (2012). Our Children, Our Future, Our Vision: First Nation Jurisdiction Over First Nation Education in Ontario. Toronto: Chiefs of Ontario.
Chong, G. (2017 ). A new deal for indigenous people. The status quo is not an option and meaningful change will be hard. Sun.
Ciceri, C., and Scott, K. (2006). The Determinants of Employment Among Aboriginal Peoples. Aboriginal Policy Research- Moving Forward, Making a Difference. Vol. 3.
Circosta, M. (2013). Young Aboriginal MBA Strives to Balance Culture with Success. Career Incubator.
Coverdale, J.L. (2012). Walking in Multiple Worlds: Aboriginal young people’s life work narratives. University of Victoria.
Davidson, P., & Jamieson, R. (2010). Canada’s future depends on Aboriginal youth. Windspeaker, 28(8), 12.
Davies, J., White, J., Maru, Y., and LaFlamme, M. (2008). Applying the sustainable livelihoods approach in Australian desert Aboriginal development. The Rangeland Journal. 30, 1. Pp. 55-65.
Dobson, S. (2013). HR a ‘Fresh Canvas’ for Aboriginal Community. HR Voice, January 2013.
Dockery, A. & Milson, N. (2007). A review of Indigenous employment programs, national vocational education and training research and evaluation program report. Adelaide: National Centre for Vocational Education research
Duran, E., (2006). Healing the soul wound: Counseling with American Indians and other Native peoples (multicultural foundations of psychology and counselling). Teachers College Press.
Fast, E., & Collin-Vezina, D. (2010). Historical trauma, race-based trauma and resilience of Indigenous peoples: A literature review. First Peoples Child& Family Review, 5(1), 126-136.
Ferris, S. (2016). Aboriginal Career Development in Canada: Techniques Also Applicable to Other Clients Facing Barriers. Diversity in the Workplace.
Finnie., R. Childs, S., Kramer, M., Wismer, A. (2010). Aboriginals in post-secondary education. Canadian Education Project. 11p.
Fleet, A., Kitson, R. Rethinking assessment in an Indigenous specific program. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research. (Fall 2009). P. 397-413.
Fleming, W. Myths and stereotypes about Native Americans. Phi Delta Kappa, (November 2006). P. 213-217.
Foster, C. (2016). New Focus on Indigenous issues. University of Ottawa Gazette.
Garrett, P. and Arbib, M. (2011). Improving Indigenous lives through education and employment. Media release 10 may 2011. Ministers’ Media Centre. Australian Government. Canberra.
Goodwill, A.O., McCormick, R. (2012). Giibinenimidizomin: Owning Ourselves – Critical incidents in the attainment of Aboriginal Identity. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 46, No. 1.
Government of Canada. (2008). “ Hope or Heartbreak: Aboriginal Youth and Canada’s Future.” Horizons Vol. 10, No. 1, Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada.
Government of Nova Scotia. (2008). Strategy Helps More Aboriginal Peoples Enter Skilled Trades. Labour and Workforce Development.
Graham, J.R., Jones, M.E., & Shier, M. (2010 ). Tipping points: What participants found valuable in labour market training programmes for vulnerable groups. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 19,(1), 63-72.
Gray, M., Hunter, B., and Lohoar, S. (2012). Increasing Indigenous Employment Rates. Issues Paper no. 3 produced for the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse.
Gray, M., & Hunter, B. (2005). Indigenous Job Search Success. Canberra: CAEPR, ANU.
Grebinski, L. (2010). Program helps unions, Aboriginal workers. Alberta Sweetgrass: Vol. 17, issue 12, p. 12.
Hanna, D. (2017). Legal Issues on Indigenous Economic Development. LexisNexis.
Hardes, J. “ Retention of Aboriginal Students in Postsecondary Education.” Alberta Counsellor 29.1 (Summer 2006): 28-33.
Harrison, A. (2009). Aboriginal Labour Market Programming. A Scoping Review. British Columbia.
Heilbron, C.L., & Guttman, M.A.J. (2000). Traditional healing methods with First Nations women in group counselling. Canadian Journal of Counselling. Special Issue: Counselling First Nations People in Canada, 34(1), 3-13.
Helin, C. (2010). “ Free to Learn: Giving Aboriginal Youth Control Over Their Post-Secondary Education.” Ottawa: Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy.
Hill-MacDonald, L.A. (2011). Ontario Native Education Counselling Association. ONECA Aboriginal Student transitions Project.
Hoffmann, L.L., Jackson, A.P., & Smith, S.A. (2005). Career barriers among Native American students living on reservations. Journal of Career Development, 32(1), 31-45.
Holloway, A. (2004). Aboriginal Voices. Canadian Business. 49-51.
Hossain, D., Gorman, D., Williams-Mozley, J., & Garvey, D. (2008). Bridging the gap: Identifying needs and aspirations of Indigenous students to facilitate their entry to university. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, 9-17.
Howard, A., Edge, J., Watt, D. (2012). Understanding the Value, Challenges, and Opportunities of Engaging Métis, Inuit, and First Nations Workers. The Conference Board of Canada.
Howe, E.C. (2006). Saskatchewan with an Aboriginal Majority: Education and Entrepreneurship. Saskatoon: Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy.
Hudson, S. (2016 ). Mapping the Indigenous program and funding maze. The Centre for Independent Studies.
Hull,J. (2008 ). “Aboriginal Youth in the Canadian Labour Market.” In “Hope or Heartbreak: Aboriginal Youth and Canada’s Future. Horizons: Vol. 10, No. 1. Government of Canada. Ottawa, ON.
Hull, Jeremy. (2005). Aboriginal Post Secondary Education and Labour Market Outcomes, Canada, 2001, Winnipeg: Prologica Research Inc.
Hunter, B. (2010). Pathways for Indigenous school leavers to undertake training or gain employment. Closing the Gap Clearinghouse. Australian Government. Canberra.
Jang, T. (2017). How reporting on Indigenous issues as an Indigenous journalist can get complicated. CBC News.
Johnson, G. (2011, May 25). Bands must push Aboriginal school success. Times Colonist.
Jordan, K. and Mavec, D. (2010). Corporate initiatives in Indigenous employment: The Australian Employment Covenant two years on. CAEPR Working Paper No. 74/2010. Centre for Aboriginal economic Policy Research. Canberra.
Jowett, C. (2012). Career Opportunities for Aboriginal People in the Canadian Armed Forces. Career Incubator.
Juby, H. (2007). School Completion and Workforce Transitions Among Urban Aboriginal Youth. The University of Western Ontario Research Data Centre.
Kanu, Y. (2011). Integrating Aboriginal Perspectives Into the School Curriculum: Purposes, Possibilities and Challenges. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Kapasalis, C. (2006). Aboriginal Occupational Gap: Causes and Consequences. Aboriginal Policy Research – Moving Forward, Making a Difference, Vol. 3.
Kennedy, M. (2015). Fixing relations with Indigenous people “the unfinished business of Confederation” new mimister says. Ottawa Citizen.
Kharkongor, G.C., Albert, S. (2014 ). Career Counseling among Indigenous Peoples. Springer.
Kirmayer, L.J., Dandeneau, S., Marshall, E., Phillips, M., & Williamson, K. (2011). Rethinking resilience from indigenous perspectives. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56(2), 84-91.
Kirmayer, L.T., Tait, C.L., & Simpson, C. (2009). The mental health of Aboriginal peoples in Canada : Transformations of identity and community. In L.J. Kirmayer & G.G. Valaskakis (Eds.), Healing traditions: The mental health of Aboriginal peoples in Canada (pp. 3-25). Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.
Klinga, S. (2012). Literature Review State of Practice: Essential Skills Applications with First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada. Canadian Career Development Foundation.
Krahn, H., and Hudson, J. (2006). Pathways of Alberta Youth through the Post-secondary System in the Labour Market., 1996-2003. Pathways to the Labour Market Series – No/2 Ottawa: Canadian Policy Research Networks.
Lamontagne, F. (2004). The Aboriginal Workforce: What Lies Ahead – CLBC Commentary.
Lanktree, G. (2013). Tough job market faces Aboriginal youth as population grows. Metro News. January 28, 2013.
Lattimer, L. and Jasper, J. “Post-Secondary Experience: Perspectives of Aboriginal Students” (paper presented at the First Nations Studies Program Research Practicum, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, April 4, 2007, in collaboration with the First Nations Education Steering Committee).
Lee, L. , Chen, P. (2014). Empowering Indigenous Youth: Perspectives from a National Service Learning Program in Taiwan. The International Indigenous Policy Journal Volume 5 Issue 3.
Lepage, P. (2009). Aboriginal Peoples: Fact and Fiction. Montreal: Commision des Droit de la Personnes et des Droits de la Jeunesse.
Levin, B. (2009). Aboriginal education still needs work. Phi Delta Kappa, 90(9), 689
Lichtenberg, A., Smith, H. (Winter 2009). Career Development for Young Indigenous People: A Project Summary. Australian Journal of Career Development. Vol. 18, No. 2.
Lituchy, T.r., reavley, M.A., & Abraira, R.J. (2006). Success factors of Aboriginal women entrepreneurs: a study of Mohawk community in Canada. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3(6), 760-778.
Long, C., Downs, A.C., Gillette, B., in Sight, L.K., & Konen, E.I. (2006). Assessing cultural life skills of American Indian youth. Child & Youth Care Forum, 35(4), 289-304.
Lorenz, D. (2013). Why indigenous Studies Classes Are Even More Important Today. Career Incubator.
Lorenz, D. (2013). Aboriginal Business Leader Shares Ideas For Making School and Work More Inclusive. Career Incubator.
Lorenz, D. (2013). Should You Disclose Aboriginal status To Potential Employers? Career Incubator.
Lorenz, D. (2012). Aboriginal Job Opportunities in Green Energy. Career Incubator.
Lowe, J. (2005). Being influenced: A Cherokee way of mentoring. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 12(2), 37-49.
Luffman, J., & Sussman, D. (2007). The Aboriginal Labour Force in Western Canada. Statistics Canada Perspectives on Labour (January 2007), 13-27.
Maaka, C.A., & Anderson, C. (2006). Indigenous experience global perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Macdonald, D., & Wilson, D. (2010). The Income Gap Between Aboriginal Peoples and the Rest of Canada. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Ottawa, ON 2010.
MacKinnon, S. (2012). Neo-Liberalism and the Aboriginal Second-Chance Learner: Stifling Development and Reinforcing Exclusion. Shauna Mackinnon, PhD.
MacKinnon, S. (2011). The effectiveness of neo-liberal labour market policy as a response to the poverty and social exclusion of Aboriginal second-chance learners. Thesis, University of Manitoba.
Madahbee Leach, D. (2017). The Case for Economic Reconciliation in Canada. SAY Magazine.
Malatest, R.A. & Associates Ltd. (2008). Factors Affecting The Use Of Student Financial Assistance Programs by Aboriginal Youth. Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada and The Canadian Education Statistics Council.
Malatest, R.A. (2004). Aboriginal Peoples and Post-Secondary Education: What Educators Have Learned. Montreal: Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation.
Marshall, A., Williams, L., Emerson, L., van Hanuse, A., and the Aboriginal Communities Counselling Cohort (2010). A’TOLA’NW (SENCOTEN): “A time of hope and respecting one another. “ Indigenous-centred Research & Learning in a Counselling Graduate Program. (Poster Presentation). University of BC’s Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium. Vancouver, BC.
Marshall, E.A., Stewart, S., Coverdale, J., LeBlanc, J., & Spowart, J.P. (2011). Walking in Multiple Worlds: Adaptation and change among urban Aboriginal young adults’ worklife experiences. Paper presented at Native Mental Health Association of Canada Annual Conference, Victoria, BC.
Marshall, M., Stwart, S., Popadiuk, N., Lawrence, B. (2011 in press). Walking in multiple worlds. Successful school-to-work transitions for Indigenous and cultural minority youth. In G. Tchibozo (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Work to Life Transitions. 88-118. Champagne IL: Common Ground. 2nd author.
Marshall, S.K., Young, R.A., Stevens, A., Spence, W., Deyell, S., Easterbrook, A., and Brokenleg, M. (2011). Adolescent Career Development in Urban-Residing Aboriginal Families in Canada. The Career Development Quarterly, 59:539-558.
Maxim, P., and White, J. (2006). School Completion and Workforce Transitions Among Urban Aboriginal Youth. Aboriginal Policy Research-Moving Forward, Making a Difference. Vol. 3.
Mayes, C. (2007). No Higher Priority: Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada. Report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal affairs and northern development. Ottawa: House of Commons.
McBride, J. (2010). Could “Clusters” be a Useful Model to Support Urban Aboriginal Economic Development? Urban Aboriginal Economic Development National Network.
McBride, J., Gerow, R. (2004). Minding Our Own Businesses: how to create support in First Nations communities for Aboriginal Business. Centre for Sustainable Community Development: Vancouver.
McCormick, R. (2009). Aboriginal approaches to counselling. In L.J. Kirmayer & G.G. Valaskakis (Eds.), Healing traditions: The mental health of Aboriginal peoples in Canada (pp. 337-354). Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.
McCormick, R. (2005). The healing path: What can counsellors learn from Aboriginal people about how to heal? In R. Moodley & W. West (Eds.), Integrating traditional healing practices into counselling and psychotherapy (pp. 293-304). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
McCue, H. (2006). Aboriginal Postsecondary Education. Vancouver: The Centre for Native policy and Research.
McMahon, T. (2014). Why fixing First Nations education remains so far out of reach. Macleans.
Mendelson, M. (2006). Aboriginal peoples and postsecondary education in Canada. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy.
Mendelson, M. (2004). Aboriginal people in Canada’s labour market: Work and unemployment today and tomorrow. The Caledon Institute of Social Policy, March, 1-46
Miller, C. (2005). Aspects of training that meet Indigenous Australians aspirations: A systematic review of research. National Centre for Vocational Education research. Adelaide.
Milligan, S. & Bougie, E. (2009). First Nations women and postsecondary education in Canada: Snapshots from the census.
Minnabarriet, V.B., Ameyaw, S. (Eds.) (2012). BC Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Gap Analysis. Aboriginal Business Service Network Society.
MNP LLP. (2012). Barriers and Successful Approaches to Preparing and Employing Aboriginal Trades People. Industry Training Authority. Richman, BC.
Morrissette, P.J., & Gadbois, S. (2006). Alliance skill development within Canadian First Nations and Aboriginal counsellor education. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 40(4), 209-223.
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National Aboriginal Health Organization. (2008). First Nations, Inuit and Métis Education History from a Health Human Resources Perspective. Ottawa: National Aboriginal Health Organization.
Nunavut Literacy Council. (2007). Barriers to Youth Employment in Nunavut: A Research Report and Action Plan.
Nuttgens, S.A., Campbell, A.J. (2010). Multicultural Considerations for Counselling First Nations Clients. Canadian Journal of Counselling. Vol. 44 No. 2, Pages 115-129.
Offet-Gartner, K. (2008). Sharing the story: Education as the key to unlocking the door of career possibilities with First Nations women. Available from Dissertation Abstracts International. Publication No. AATNR44363.
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Ottmann, J. and Pritchard, L. (2010). Aboriginal Perspectives Action Research Project: A Review of Literature. Calgary Regional Consortium.
Oulanova, O., Moodley, R. (2010). Navigating Two Worlds: Experiences of Counsellors Who Integrate Aboriginal Traditional Healing Practices. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Vol. 44 No. 4 Pages 346-362.
Overmars, D.M., (2011). Finding a Path Among the Concrete: Work-Life Narratives of Urban Aboriginal Young Adults. Thesis, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. University of Toronto.
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Pattel, N. (2007). Aboriginal families, cultural context and therapy, Counselling, Psychotherapy, and Health, 3(1), 1-24, (May).
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Pidgeon, M. (2008a). It takes more than good intentions: Institutional accountability and responsibility to Indigenous higher education. Thesis. University of British Columbia.
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Saunders, R. (2008). Employer Investment in Workplace Learning: Report on the Yellowknife Roundtable. Work and Learning Knowledge Centre and Canadian Policy Research Networks: Ottawa, Canada, 17 pages.
Scerra, N. (2012). Models of supervision: Providing effective support to Aboriginal staff. Australian Aboriginal Studies; Vol. 2012 Issue 1, p. 77.
Schnarch, B. (2004). Ownership, access, control and possession (OCAP) or self-determination applied to research: A critical analysis of First Nations research and some options for First Nations communities. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 80-95.
Sharpe, A., Arsenault, J-F., and Lapointe, S. (2007). The Potential Contribution of Aboriginal Canadians to Labour Force, Employment, Productivity and Output Growth in Canada, 2001-2017. Ottawa: Centre for the Study of Living Standards.
Shepard, B., O’Neill, L., & Guenette, F. (2006). Counselling Issues of First Nations Women: Considerations of Oppression and Renewal. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28(3), 227-240.
Sinclair, R. (2009). Wicihitowin: Aboriginal Social Work in Canada. Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing.
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Sinclair, K. (2006). Improving First Nation Access to Postsecondary Education: A review of the Post Secondary Student Support Program. Regina: First Nations University of Canada and Government of Saskatchewan.
Smith, L.T. (2006). The indigenous people’s project: Setting a new agenda. In Decolonizing methodologies: research and indigenous peoples (Ninth Impression 2006 ed., pp. 107-122. U.S.A.: Zed Books.
Smylie, J., Sinclair, R., Lafontaine, T., and Ferguson, M. (2006). Environmental Scan of the First Nations’ Health Sector Labour Force on Reserve in Saskatchewan. Regina: Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre.
Stanley, L.C. (2017). Career Development – Two Realities. SAY Magazine.
Stanley, L.C. (2016). Career Development – The Challenge. SAY Magazine.
Steffler, J. (2008). “ Aboriginal Peoples: A Young Population for Years to Come.” Horizons Vol. 10, No. 1: 13-20. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada.
Stephens, B. (2010). The determinants of labour force status among Indigenous Australians. Australian Journal of Labour Economics 13(3): 287-312.
Stewart, S.L., Reeves, A. (2013). Intersections of Career development and post secondary education for Indigenous Students: Exploring the Integrity of Social and Cultural Issues. The Canadian Journal of Career Development. Volume 12 Number 2.
Stewart, S. & Reeves, A. (2012). Intersections of career development and post-secondary education for Indigenous students: Exploring the integrity of social and cultural issues. Canadian Journal of Career Development.
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Stewart, S. (2009). Participatory action research: exploring Indigenous youth perspectives and experiences. Indigenous Policy Journal, 10(3) 2- 12
Stewart, S. (2009). Sharing narratives on an Indigenous academic’s evolution: A personal experience of cultural mental health stories as research. First Peoples Child & Family Review, 4(1), 57-65.
Stewart, S. (2008). Promoting Indigenous mental health: Cultural perspectives on healing from Native counsellors in Canada. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 46(2), 49-56.
St. Germain, G., Dyck, L.E. (2011). Reforming First Nations Education: From Crisis to Hope: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Senate Committee Directorate.
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