Impact of Career Development
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Impact of Social Media on Career Counselling
Topics covered include:
- Use in job search,
- Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube,
- Privacy issues,
- Branding yourself,
- Online networking,
- Recruiting,
- Ethical usage,
- and more.
Impact of Social Media on Career Counselling
(Updated March 2017)
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Chandrasekaren, S. (2015). Using social media to broaden your career opportunities. Wiley.
Chapman, V.V. (2012) Using Pinterest to Make Career Development Learning Interesting to College Students.
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Greenfield, J., (2010). The Art of Online Networking, Wall Street Journal
Greenhouse, S. (2010). ‘Company Accused of Firing Over Facebook Post’ New York Times, November 8, 2010.
Greer, C.F., and Ferguson, D. A., (2011). Using Twitter for promotion and branding: A content analysis of local television Twitter sites. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 55(2), 198-214.
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Grubb, K., Wolleben, M., Kelly, S. (2013). Career Counselor’s Guide to Social Media in the Job Search. NACE.
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