New webinar series helps you to prepare for the future of work
April 28, 2019
CERIC on the road this spring to share career development knowledge and resources
May 1, 2019CERIC is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for Cannexus20, Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference. Cannexus is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovate approaches in the areas of career counselling and career and workforce development. The conference takes place January 27-29, 2020 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa and is expected to welcome 1,200 delegates.
Three exciting keynote speakers will be sharing their experiences and insights:
- Natan Obed, President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Canada’s National Inuit Leader
- Tristram Hooley, Director of Research, The Careers & Enterprise Company
- Zita Cobb, Founder & CEO, Fogo Island Inn and Shorefast Foundation
The Cannexus20 Call for Presenters is still open. Education sessions can cover innovations and best practices in career counselling/coaching techniques, employment and training programs, employee recruitment and engagement, workforce planning and more. The submission deadline is June 7, 2019.
Cannexus continues to grow in scope and size each year. At Cannexus20, you can expect to join peers whose focus includes career development from education, community, government and private sectors. Attendees will examine the changing ways that we define work, find jobs and develop skills as part of a national conversation.
In addition to world-class keynotes and more than 150 education sessions, a popular exhibitor showcase (sold out last year) will feature products, programs and services from across the career development field. The Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus will be available in May. Contact sandra@ceric.ca about sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.
Registration opens July 3, 2019 with Super Saver pricing. Special rates for presenters, members of supporting organizations, students and groups will be available.
Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada and a broad network of supporting organizations.