CERIC’s new literature search focuses on climate change and career development
June 15, 2019
CERIC to fund project that demonstrates how career development can improve mental health
June 24, 2019CERIC has released a new companion document to its popular Guiding Principles of Career Development that outlines a selection of the extensive research which underpins them. Compiled by Yvonne Rodney, Guiding Principles of Career Development: Anchored by Evidence lists the eight Guiding Principles with expert quotes and references from a cross-section of journals and reports that illustrate the principles’ currency, relevance and validity. The resource provides stakeholders with the theoretical grounding behind the principles.
This compendium is intended to supplement CERIC’s Guiding Principles of Career Development and demonstrate that career development is a field with decades of evidence-based research behind it. The Guiding Principles define the core elements of career development using simple and concise language presented in a colourful and engaging infographic. Created to bring greater clarity and consistency to our national conversations about career development, they serve as a starting point for discussions with clients, employers, funders, policymakers and families. Importantly, they also highlight the need to make the career development of our citizens a top priority.
The Guiding Principles of Career Development, reflecting multiple voices across CERIC, were first released to coincide with Canada Career Month in November 2016. Career professionals have been encouraged to use and share it widely. Initial response was very positive. Career professionals put the Guiding Principles infographic up in their offices and classrooms, added it to their websites, discussed it during staff meetings, included it in client counselling sessions and incorporated it into career planning curriculum.
CERIC continues to look for ways to further embed and expand the use of the Guiding Principles. More than 10,000 copies of the Guiding Principles posters have been distributed. Their practical application has been discussed at the Cannexus National Career Development Conference. They have been featured in our publications, in particular the Retain and Gain: Career Management for Small Business Playbook and Retain and Gain: Career Management for Non-Profits and Charities Playbook. A regular case study column in Careering magazine now also appears in each issue where career professionals explain how they apply one of the eight principles in their work.
As a next development, this fall CERIC will release a series of Guiding Principles Action Plans for career practitioners to use when working with different client groups (eg, high school-aged youth, post-secondary students, educated and underemployed individuals, long-term unemployed adults, older workers transitioning to retirement and newcomers). The purpose of the Action Plans is to offer insights and ideas for working with particular populations of clients that align with the Guiding Principles of Career Development, including discussion questions and activities.