Cannexus20 explored career development in Canada through many different lenses
February 11, 2020Career development for LGBTQ communities the focus of new CERIC literature search
February 20, 2020Career development is rarely part of mental health discussions, yet it can be a key pillar in the support and promotion of positive mental health. A free webinar – Your Impact on Mental Health: How Your Career Development Practice Promotes Client Mental Health – will be offered on Friday, April 3, 2020 to further explore the key learnings based on the recently launched CERIC book Strengthening Mental Health Through Effective Career Development: A Practitioner’s Guide. This webinar will be led by the co-authors of the book, Dave Redekopp and Michael Huston.
Client/student mental health predictably improves as a result of career development. In this one-hour webinar, the authors will summarize the broad ranging effects of career development and their associated mental health benefits. They will also review some of the mechanisms underlying career development’s role in mental health and describe how, by adjusting one’s intentions, these positive mental health outcomes can be achieved more effectively in your career development practice.
Redekopp is President of the Life-Role Development Group Ltd. and has been an avid champion of career development since 1988. He has received provincial and national awards in career development and is widely recognized in Canada as a thought leader in the field. Huston has been involved in the career development field as a counsellor, practitioner, trainer and counsellor educator since the early 1990s. He is a Registered Psychologist, Counsellor and Associate Professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary.
The book that the webinar is based on is available for purchase in print or for free download as a pdf at It launched in January at the Cannexus National Career Development Conference and has received endorsements for its ground-breaking perspective from global career development luminaries including Mark Savickas, David Blustein and H B Gelatt.