Antisemitism Uncovered: How to Support Career Development Practitioners to Have an Inclusive Practice
March 2, 2023Protected: TEST Password Protected
![]() Sarah Taylor, Principal Consultant of Next Level ASD
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Recent statistics indicate that approximately one in seven people in North America are wired to think differently. Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Verbal learning disorder, and Asperger syndrome are all diagnoses that fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity. Unfortunately, because of the invisible nature of these differences, many of the characteristics inherent to a neurodiverse diagnosis may appear to be an attitude or behavioural problem. Is it possible that Sally, the client who never stays on topic is not just being “annoying”? or that Ralph the unemployed computer engineer who won’t consider a job outside of an 8 km radius is not just “difficult”? Developing competency serving people who are wired differently is a critical skill for employment professionals all over the world. This series will provide participants the tools and systems to not only better understand the spectrum of neurodiversity but also to work effectively with people who think differently. Participants will be encouraged to explore mindsets around diversity, inclusion and invisible differences. For leaders experiencing workforce challenges, CDPs serving diverse clients and career counsellors needing a fresh perspective this session is not to be missed.
Why Should You Attend
This webinar series will be focused around helping career practitioners to understand how neurodivergent jobseekers process information differently and the impact of these differences on traditional job coaching techniques and on employment. It will also empower neurodivergent CDPs to strengthen their practice by exploring tools for success that they can later share with their clients. By the end of the series, participants will have a strong understanding of the spectrum of neurodiverse diagnoses and how this translates with common challenges faced by their clients; more importantly, participants will be able to implement new strategies and tools to better support their clients who live on a neurodiverse spectrum.
Webinar #1: What Is Neurodiversity and Why Does it Matter?
Wednesday, May 3, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
- Understanding the spectrum of neurodiverse diagnoses and their presentations
- The impact of these differences on employment and on CDP
- How neurodivergent thinkers process information
- Employment strengths of neurodivergent thinkers
Webinar #2: Interviews, Resumes and Disclosure for Neurodivergent Jobseekers
Wednesday, May 10, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
- Neurodivergent employment barriers overview
- Resume writing challenges and how to navigate them
- Challenges with job applications and how to navigate them
- ASD-specific interview challenges and how to overcome them.
- The great disclosure debate
Webinar #3: Tools for Neurodiverse CDPs and Their Clients
Wednesday, May 17, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
- Tools for managing sensory sensitivities in the workplace
- Tools for circumnavigating social blunders in the workplace
- Executive function challenges and tools to help
- Recognizing anxiety and techniques for managing problematic anxious behaviours in the workplace
- The secret formula for determining “reasonable accommodations” you and your clients can ask for

As a 21st century thought leader in the neurodiversity space, Principal Consultant of Next Level ASD, and Project Manager of Spectrum Advantage, Sarah Taylor has spoken at dozens of conferences for career Development professionals, post-secondary organizations, human resource professionals and companies in a variety of sectors across the country. Her education in psychology, communications and theology along with over 20 years of experience as a psychometrist and behavioural consultant have developed her skills in assessment, advocacy, organizational leadership and public speaking.
Sarah is passionate about building community, working with leaders and empowering people in all aspects of life. She is a frequent speaker and is uniquely equipped to bridge the gap between traditional career development tools and the neurodiverse population.