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January 22, 2024PAST FREE WEBINAR
![]() Dr. Nancy Arthur, Dean Research, University of South Australia Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault), Founder and President of Life Strategies Ltd. Dr. Mary McMahon, Honorary Associate Professor at The University of Queensland

Webinar overview
Career theories serve as the foundations of our practice, guiding interventions, and informing decision-making processes. Yet, many career practitioners may face challenges in translating theoretical knowledge into effective, everyday practice. In this webinar, we will overview eight “must–have” career practice principles to help you feel more confident and competent for working across practice roles and for determining your learning needs. The information shared in this webinar is based on the new CERIC book, Practice Principles: Career Theories and Models at Work and the new Career Practice Reflection Guide included in the book. These two new resources were developed from a synthesis of the practice points in the chapters of the popular Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice to determine eight essential principles for guiding practice. This free webinar offers a great opportunity for you to strengthen the theory-practice connections in your own work!
Why career professionals should attend
Whether you are new to the career development field or an experienced career development practitioner, enhancing theory-practice connections in your work is always beneficial. There are many resources available to career practitioners, but it is important to consider what they have to offer. This webinar will be an excellent opportunity to highlight the practice principles while allowing participants to reflect on what guides their career development practice. Be prepared for an engaging session. Bring your phones to ponder, poll and post your ideas during the webinar!
Key learning takeaways
- Gain more knowledge about theory-informed practice
- Reflect on the practice principles that you currently use
- Deepen knowledge about the “group of eight” practice principles
- Set learning goals to strengthen theory-practice connections

Professor Nancy Arthur is Dean Research for UniSA Business, University of South Australia and Professor Emerita, University of Calgary, Canada. Nancy’s research focuses on Culture-Infused Career Counselling, diversity and social justice in professional practice, and international learning and employment transitions. Nancy is an elected Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association.

Dr. Roberta Borgen (Neault) is internationally award-winning founder and President of Life Strategies Ltd. in British Columbia, Canada. Roberta is co-developer of the Career Engagement model and her research and practice has focused on training and equipping career development professionals and counsellors, across Canada and internationally.

Dr. Mary McMahon is an Honorary Associate Professor at The University of Queensland, School of Education, Australia. Mary is a developer and co-author of the Systems Theory Framework of career development. She researches and publishes on lifespan career development, narrative and systems approaches to career counselling, and qualitative career assessment.