Pen and PaperCareering

Editor’s Note

By Karolina Grzeszczuk

I am writing this note in a post-Brexit, pre-American election world where the Canadian – and indeed the world – economy seems to be holding its breath, teetering between hope and anxiety.

Network of online business concept.Careering

Hot Links: Conquering Indecision & Anxiety

Career Decision Wheel

Created by Norman Amundson and Gray Poehnell, the Wheel is a useful tool that includes eight aspects essential to career decision making. Downloadable for free, Deirdre Pickerell’s “Work Search Strategies” chapter in Career Development Practice in Canada includes a helpful synopsis of the Wheel.


Career Briefs

What is the future of jobs in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The World Economic Forum released a report earlier this year on The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, analyzing current disruptions to business models with data collected from over 13 million employees across nine industries globally and 15 major developing and emerging economies.


Canada’s Career Service Professionals: How Do They Differ Across Canada?

By Mario R. Gravelle

This article will provide a brief regional comparison of some of the key findings from the CERIC 2015 Survey of Career Service Professionals. The survey was designed to provide a snapshot of those in the field, surface their professional development and competency improvement interests as well as issues pertaining to research and learning dissemination. Collecting just over 1,000 completed responses provides an opportunity to disaggregate the overall findings by regions – British Columbia (135), Prairies (152), Ontario (372), Quebec (187) and Atlantic Canada (127) – to see some of the commonalities and notable differences in the field.

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