
10 Questions for Premier Kathleen Wynne

Kathleen Wynne is Ontario’s 25th Premier. She was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 2003 as the MPP for Don Valley West. Wynne was re-elected in 2007, 2011 and 2014. She became the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party in January 2013. Wynne has three adult children, Chris, Jessie and Maggie, and three grandchildren.

(Premier Kathleen Wynne and US Senator Elizabeth Warren)

[Online Exclusive] It All Adds Up – A Campus Career Wellness Campaign

By Lisa Kuiper and Christine Fader

Transitioning from post-secondary studies to next steps has always been an exciting but somewhat anxious time for students.  With the pervasiveness of online media, terms such as “gig economy” and “precarious work” have entered the lexicon of students and their parents and are influencing how they view the world of work. Those of us who work with youth, especially at a university or college career centre, can attest to a sense of anxiety amongst the population we serve.  As career professionals, we also have a role to play in helping students understand how what they’re currently doing supports their future goals.

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