With a goal of bringing greater clarity and consistency to our national conversations about career development, CERIC has developed a set of “Guiding Principles of Career Development.” Career professionals are encouraged to use and share this document widely. These Guiding Principles reflect multiple voices at CERIC and are intended as a starting point to inform discussions with clients, employers, funders, policy-makers and families. The Guiding Principles include an exploration of the word “career” and outline the many benefits of career development.
Career Work in Action: Discussions and Activities for Professionals

Get Your Copy: Purchase bulk copies (10 or more) at $10/copy through CERIC by contacting sales@ceric.ca or download the pdfs for free.
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What people are saying about the Guiding Principles:
How do I use the Guiding Principles in my work? Here’s what career professionals across Canada told us:
I am a career counsellor for grade 9-12 students in four rural schools. The principles guide me as I interview and guide secondary students in my schools.
As a researcher, the Guiding Principles are useful in contextualizing my findings regarding the career decision-making process of Indigenous women.
This helps clients to understand what career development is and its educational and societal benefits.
The Guiding Principles will serve as a topic for discussions among staff who need to infuse career development into all programs.
The principle about lifelong adaptations and not allowing stagnancy is huge for my youth clients who see/are taught the linear path (which we know doesn’t exist).
We use it as a staff PD tool – a conversation starter at meetings; will add to vision statement for our centre.
I use the Guiding Principles to give my clients a visual of their career development and employment journey.
The idea that “supporting and shaping” is done by education and community interaction is a powerful one for my work in k-12 education.
I have it posted in my classroom and office for students’ and parents’ reference.
Your infographic is mandatory reading for all of my clients at the beginning of their coaching programs. Thank you for creating it!
I use these for my clients who are professional dancers facing career transition as well as for myself!
We have your posters in our office and most importantly…include the principles in our career development course we launched in September 2017.
I use the infographic to show clients that career development is a continuous journey.
I have been using the Guiding Principles to explain to my clients the value of a planned career, the ever-changing nature of careers and will use it for my own professional development.