Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events Hamilton School-Work Transition Conference: Strengthening The System – A Conference for Educators, Employers and Parents, Industry-Education Council of Hamilton, Hamilton, ON. August 27, 2003 The 15th OAYEC Annual General Meeting & Conference, Ontario Association of Youth Employment Center – OAYEC, Alliston, ON. September 29 – October 1, 2003 Education Training Career Fair…


New webinar series to help school counsellors support Black students

CERIC is pleased to be partnering with the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association (OSCA) for the first time to offer a 2-part webinar series – Shifting the Trajectory for Black Students: The Role of School Counsellors in Supporting Positive Outcomes for Black Students with Nicole Baxter-Lyn and Kamilah Clayton. School counsellors play a pivotal role in…

High school students in classroomCareering

Unlocking the power of student career agency

When schools equip students to become their own guidance counsellors, they can make purposeful decisions about their future  Adriano Magnifico When Andres Bazin was in high school, he was an average student – drawing Cs and Bs and meandering through his education. Career-wise, he was lost. His origin story is likely one that attendees of…

fountain pen on notebookCareering

Editor’s note

Lindsay Purchase Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m tired of reading the words “The Great Resignation.” Like the “future of work” and other overused, often misunderstood terms before it, the “Great [fill-in-the-blank]” has become a stand-in for any and all mainstream discussion connected to career development. So, why use this construct and release a Careering issue…


Would Donald Super Agree with the Career Awareness Program in Ontario High Schools?

By Anne-Viviane Maus The roots of Donald Super’s extensive writings on vocational development are in the Self Theory of Carl Rogers. According to Super, when an individual is making vocational choices, they act in relation to their understanding of themselves. Psychologically, career choices are “driven” by Self-Concepts. What would follow is that making satisfying vocational…


New research explores career-related learning in Canadian elementary schools

The first phase of a CERIC-funded research project has now produced three literature reviews that examine what is happening in elementary education across Canada related to introducing and building career-related foundational skills. These newly available documents include: a review of scholarly literature; a curriculum and policy review; and a review of business and industry partnerships. …

Man on a rockCareering

[Online Exclusive] Change from Within – Career Practitioners and Mental Health

By Kathy McKee For the last two years, a research project funded by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) has been underway in Nova Scotia, exploring what career practitioners need to know to support clients with mental health challenges. The project collected data from mental health consumers and career practitioners who provided a…