CERIC to fund third edition of popular guide to computing careers

CERIC will once again fund a project for Mount Royal University to update its popular guide to computing careers, reflecting the significant changes to both the computing industry and computing careers since the pandemic. The third edition of Computing Disciplines: A Quick Guide for Prospective Students and Career Advisors will reflect how new areas such as data science, AI…


10 Questions with David Blustein

David L. Blustein is a Professor in the Department of Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology at Boston College. Blustein is the author of The Psychology of Working: A New Perspective for Career Development, Counseling, and Public Policy and a new book titled The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Experience of…

Book on wooden table with glowing graph illustrations and symbols.Careering

What you measure matters … but your mindset matters more

It’s time to move beyond funder-imposed metrics of success and take ownership of our story of positive impact Deirdre Pickerell, Sareena Hopkins and Lynne Bezanson Over the past 30 years, and counting, career development professionals (CDPs), their managers and employers, along with various funders, have hotly debated the data that demonstrate the need for services…


Case Study: Job-shadowing program helps LGBTQ2+ students navigate workplace concerns

A University of Alberta program is connecting professionals with students to share career experiences through an identity-related lens Amy Roy Gratton More post-secondary institutions are developing resources to support career questions from LGBTQ2+ students who feel the stakes are high as they prepare for their careers and sometimes their first entry into the workforce. LGBTQ2+…


Empowering Youth for the Jobs of Today and Tomorrow

FREE SPONSORED WEBINAR SERIES     Presenters Valentina Castillo Cifuentes, Research Manage, Youth & Innovation Project, RBC Future Launch Farahnaaz Kanji, Director, Social Impact & Innovation, RBC Future Launch   Date and time Mondays, September 23, October 28 & November 25, 2024 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (Check your time zone) Price FREE…
two men talking across table in officeCareering

Career development as a social justice imperative

These questions for career professionals call for intentional action to address anti-Black racism  Tracey Lloyd   We are living through unsettling times. Almost a year into the pandemic and on the heels of disturbing incidents of racial strife and injustice, many of us find ourselves reflecting deeply on what this all means for our personal and professional lives. Both the novel coronavirus and the Black Lives…