Report explores literature on when, where and how youth make career decisions
April 29, 2020
Request for Proposals on value of career development within experiential learning
May 4, 2020Current times come with a lot of uncertainty, including for many students who might feel unclear on when and how they will return to their educational paths. CERIC is offering two upcoming free webinars on May 13 and May 15 with expert presenters who will explore what options students have and how career practitioners can support them.
Going Remote with Experiential Learning and Work-Integrated Learning: A Practical Outcome-Based Approach, presented by Lorraine Godden & Carolyn Hoessler | Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
What is work-integrated learning (WIL) when workplaces are remote? What is front-line experience when locations are essential staff only? How to host a placement student in these times? These are the questions we are facing. This practical session is about getting to “this is a possible option” by identifying priority outcomes, the design options that remain, and assessment/feedback and activities that could align.
Lorraine Godden of Carleton University specializes in understanding how career and life planning, work-integrated-learning, and other educational multidisciplinary and public policies are interpreted and enacted into educational programming and public policy interventions. Carolyn Hoessler specializes in designing relevant experiences, assessments and evaluation, and untangling key influencing factors to inform clear paths forward. As founder of Higher Education & Beyond, she works with teams (re)designing learning in higher education and professional development locally and nationally.
Gap Years as an Answer to Educational Disruption: Tools and Ideas for Professionals and Parents, presented by Michelle Dittmer | Friday, May 15, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Gap years have always been a tool for promoting mental health, closing financial barriers to post-secondary, and providing clarity for life’s next steps. Whether you are a parent or a career practitioner working with students, in this webinar you will equip yourself with up-to-date data, ideas and tools for supporting your clients and families through deciding if a gap year is the right fit, its benefits and disadvantages in current times.
Michelle Dittmer, founder of the Canadian Gap Year Association, is an educator and youth advocate. She has taught elementary through college, developed international service learning programs, nurtured educational partnerships, and developed youth policy. She founded the Canadian Gap Year Association to raise the profile of the gap year as a solution to mental health, lack of clarity and the skills gap.